Institutes and faculties
- Balashov Institute
- Faculty of Biology
- Faculty of Geography
- Faculty of Geology
- Institute of Pre-University Education
- Institute of Continuing Professional Education
- Institute of History and International Relations
- Институт физики
- Institute of Philology and Journalism
- Institute of Chemistry
- Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics
- Педагогический институт
- Faculty of Sociology
- Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technologies
- Faculty of Psychology
- Факультет фундаментальной медицины и медицинских технологий
- Faculty of Philosophy
- Faculty of Economics
- Faculty of Law
- Факультет гуманитарных дисциплин, русского и иностранных языков (Педагогический институт)
- Institute of Arts (Педагогический институт)
- Faculty of Pedagogical and Special Needs Education (Педагогический институт)
- Факультет физико-математических и естественно-научных дисциплин (Педагогический институт)
- Institute of Sports and Physical Training (Педагогический институт)
Administrative offices
- Office of Procurement Management
- Division for International Cooperation and Internationalization
- Administration of SSU Development Program of National Research University
- Управление медиакоммуникаций
- Office of Student Educational Work
- Office of Scientific Work
- Publishing Office
- Office of Innovations
- Office of Social Work
- Управление цифровых и информационных технологий
- Education Office
- Centralized Accounting Department
- Автотранспортное хозяйство
- University archive
- Business incubator (Office of Innovations)
- Analytical division
- Postgraduate studies division
- Division of internal security and technical monitoring
- Planning Department of State Commission Financial Support
- Office of Financial Planning
- Division of document support
- Отдел инновационных проектов и прикладных разработок (Computation center)
- Human Resources
- Отдел капитального строительства
- Отдел мобилизационной подготовки
- Division of Scientific Periodical and Continuing Publications (Publishing Office)
- Отдел по делам ГО и ЧС, радиационной безопасности
- Отдел по обслуживанию опасных производственных объектов (СЭИК)
- Central Admissions Committee
- Отдел по техническому обеспечению и администрированию абонентских пунктов ГИС (Computation center)
- Division of campus technical management
- Отдел по энергетике (СЭИК)
- Отдел противопожарной безопасности
- Отдел разработок и внедрения информационных систем управления (Computation center)
- Отдел сопровождения научных исследований (Office of Scientific Work)
- Отдел технического обеспечения и связи
- Division of ecological health and safety
- Отдел эксплуатации и сопровождения программных продуктов информационных систем управления (Computation center)
- Отдел эксплуатационно-ремонтных работ на объектах тепловодоснабжения (СЭИК)
- Preparatory Department for International Students (Institute of Pre-University Education)
- Unified State Examination and State Final Examination preparatory courses (Institute of Pre-University Education)
- Служба эксплуатации инженерных коммуникаций
- SSU Student design office (Business incubator)
- Division of education and research (Institute of Continuing Professional Education)
- Legal division
- Corporate Department of SHD Engineering Basics (Институт физики)
- Corporate Department of Sorbtion Materials (Институт физики)
- Department of Programming Technologies (Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technologies)
- Department of Analytical Chemistry and Chemical Ecology (Institute of Chemistry)
- Department of English Language for Humanities (Факультет гуманит. дисциплин, русского и иностранных языков)
- Department of English Language and Intercultural Communication (Факультет гуманит. дисциплин, русского и иностранных языков)
- Department of English Language and its Teaching Methods (Факультет гуманит. дисциплин, русского и иностранных языков)
- Department of Biology and Ecology (Faculty of Mathematics, Economics and Informatics)
- Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics (Faculty of Biology)
- Department of Botanics and Ecology (Faculty of Biology)
- Department of World History (Institute of History and International Relations)
- Department of Genetics (Faculty of Biology)
- Department of Geology and Geochemistry of Burning Fossils (Faculty of Geology )
- Department of Geometry (Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanic)
- Department of Geomorphology and Geoecology (Faculty of Geography )
- Department of Geophysics (Faculty of Geology )
- Department of Civil Law and Process (Faculty of Law)
- Corporate Department of Dynamic Systems (Институт физики)
- Department of Dynamic Modeling and Biomedical Engineering (Институт физики)
- Department of Discrete Mathematics and Informational Tесhnologies (Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technologies)
- Department of Differential Equations and Applied Mathematics (Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanic)
- Department of Preschool Education and Psychology (Faculty of Natural Sciences and Pedagogical Education)
- Department of Innovations (Институт физики)
- Department of Informatics and Programming (Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technologies)
- Department of Information Systems and Educational Technologies (Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technologies)
- Department of History (Faculty of Philology)
- Department of Russian History and Archaeology (Institute of History and International Relations)
- Department of Ancient World History (Institute of History and International Relations)
- Department of Sociology Theory and History (Faculty of Sociology )
- Department of Historic Geology and Paleontology (Faculty of Geology )
- Department of Computer Algebra and Number Theory (Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanic)
- Department of Constitutional and Municipal Law (Faculty of Law)
- Department of Special Needs Education (Faculty of Pedagogical and Special Needs Education)
- Department of Speech Therapy and Psycholinguistics (Faculty of Pedagogical and Special Needs Education)
- Department of Mathematics and its Teaching Methods (Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanic)
- Department of Physics and Information Technologies (Faculty of Mathematics, Economics and Informatics)
- Кафедра математических основ информатики и олимпиадного программирования (Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technologies)
- Department of Mathematic Analysis (Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanic)
- Department of Mathematic and Computer Modeling (Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanic)
- Department of Mathematical Support of Computer and Information Systems (Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technologies)
- Department of Mathematic Cybernetics and Computer Sciences (Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technologies)
- Department of Mathematic Theory of Elasticity and Biomechanics (Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanic)
- Department of Mathematical Physics and Numerical Analysis (Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanic)
- Department of Material Sciences and Technologies and Quality Management (Институт физики)
- Кафедра медицинской кибернетики (ФФМиМТ)
- Department of Medical Physics (Институт физики)
- Department of International Relations and Russian Foreign Policy (Institute of History and International Relations)
- Department of Education Management (Institute of Continuing Professional Education)
- Department of Management and Marketing (Faculty of Economics )
- Department of Meteorology and Climatology (Faculty of Geography )
- Кафедра методики обучения истории и обществознанию (Факультет гуманит. дисциплин, русского и иностранных языков)
- Department of Education Methodology (Faculty of Pedagogical and Special Needs Education)
- Corporate Department of Micro- and Nanoelectronics (Институт физики)
- Department of Microbiology and Plant Physiology (Faculty of Biology)
- Department of Animal Morphology and Ecology (Faculty of Biology)
- Department of Musical and Instrumental Training (Institute of Arts)
- Department of Elementary Natural and Mathematical Education (Faculty of Pedagogical and Special Needs Education)
- Department of Elementary Language and Literature Education (Faculty of Pedagogical and Special Needs Education)
- Department of Nonlinear Physics (Институт физики)
- Department of German Language and Intercultural Communication (Факультет гуманит. дисциплин, русского и иностранных языков)
- Department of German Language and its Teaching Methods (Факультет гуманит. дисциплин, русского и иностранных языков)
- Department of Petrochemistry and Technogenic Safety (Institute of Chemistry)
- Department of Literary Studies and Journalism (Institute of Philology and Journalism)
- Department of General Geology and Minerals (Faculty of Geology )
- Department of Counseling Psychology (Faculty of Psychology )
- Department of General and Inorganic Chemistry (Institute of Chemistry)
- Кафедра общей, теоретической и компьютерной физики (Институт физики)
- Department of Optics and Biophotonics (Институт физики)
- Department of Organic and Bioorganic Chemistry (Institute of Chemistry)
- Department of Mathematics and Informatics Foundation (Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanic)
- Кафедра основ медицины и медицинских технологий (ФФМиМТ)
- Department of National History and Historiography (Institute of History and International Relations)
- Department of Pedagogy (Faculty of Psychology )
- Кафедра педагогики детства на базе МОУ "Гимназия №7" (Faculty of Pedagogical and Special Needs Education)
- Кафедра педагогики и психологии (Faculty of Natural Sciences and Pedagogical Education)
- Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of Professional Education (Institute of Continuing Professional Education)
- Department of Pedagogical Psychology and Psychodiagnostics (Faculty of Pedagogical and Special Needs Education)
- Department of Mineralogy and Petrography (Faculty of Geology )
- Department of Polymers (Institute of Chemistry)
- Department of Political Sciences (Faculty of Law)
- Department of Personal Psychology (Faculty of Psychology )
- Department of Radiotechnology and Electrodynamics (Институт физики)
- Department of Radiophysics and Nonlinear Dynamics (Институт физики)
- Кафедра реабилитационных технологий на базе ГАУ СО "ЦАРИ" (Faculty of Pedagogical and Special Needs Education)
- Кафедра региональной истории и музееведения на базе ГАУК СО "Исторический парк "Моя история" (Institute of History and International Relations)
- Department of Romance and Germanic Languages and Translation Studies (Institute of Philology and Journalism)
- Department of Russian Language and Speech Communication (Institute of Philology and Journalism)
- Department of Russian and World Literatures (Institute of Philology and Journalism)
- Department of Russian Philology and Media Education (Institute of Philology and Journalism)
- Department of System Analysis and Automatic Control (Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technologies)
- Кафедра современных методик преподавания физики на базе МОУ «Лицей прикладных наук имени Д.И. Трубецкова» (Институт физики)
- Department of Social Informatics (Faculty of Sociology )
- Department of General and Social Psychology (Faculty of Psychology )
- Department of Social Psychology of Education and Development (Faculty of Pedagogical and Special Needs Education)
- Department of Social Communications (Faculty of Law)
- Department of Youth Sociology (Faculty of Sociology )
- Department of Region Sociology (Faculty of Sociology )
- Department of Sociology of Social Work (Faculty of Sociology )
- Department of Sport Disciplines (Institute of Sports and Physical Training)
- Department of Sport Games (Institute of Sports and Physical Training)
- Department of Customs, Administrative and Financial Law (Faculty of Law)
- Кафедра твердотельной электроники СВЧ на базе АО НПЦ АЛМАЗ – ФАЗОТРОН (Институт физики)
- Кафедра твердотельных модулей СВЧ на базе АО «НПП «Алмаз» (Институт физики)
- Department of Theology and Religion Studies (Faculty of Philosophy)
- Department of Computer Security and Cryptography Theory (Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technologies)
- Department of Physical Training Theory (Institute of Sports and Physical Training)
- Department of Theoretical and Social Philosophy (Faculty of Philosophy)
- Department of State and Law Theory (Faculty of Law)
- Department of Music Education Theory and Methods (Institute of Arts)
- Department of Functions and Approximations Theory (Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanic)
- Department of Theory, History and Pedagogy of the Arts (Institute of Arts)
- Department of Language Theory and History and Applied Linguistics (Institute of Philology and Journalism)
- Corporate Department of Materials Technology (Институт физики)
- Department of Technology Education (Faculty of Pedagogical and Special Needs Education)
- Department of Tourism and Cultural Heritage (Institute of History and International Relations)
- Department of Criminal Process and Forensics (Faculty of Law)
- Department of Criminal and Penal Law and Forensics (Faculty of Law)
- Department of Physics and Methodic and Informational Technologies (Институт физики)
- Department of Open Systems Physics (Институт физики)
- Department of Semiconductor Physics (Department of Solid Body Physics )
- Department of Solid Body Physics (Институт физики)
- Department of Human and Animal Physiology (Faculty of Biology)
- Department of Sport and Physical Education (Institute of Sports and Physical Training)
- Department of Physical Geography and Landscape Ecology (Faculty of Geography )
- Department of Sport and Physical Training (Faculty of Natural Sciences and Pedagogical Education)
- Department of Physical Chemistry (Institute of Chemistry)
- Кафедра филологических дисциплин (Faculty of Philology)
- Department of Philosophy and Methodology of Science (Faculty of Philosophy)
- Department of Philosophy of Culture and Cultural Studies (Faculty of Philosophy)
- Department of Finance and Credit (Faculty of Economics )
- Department of Economic and Social Geography (Faculty of Geography )
- Department of Economics Theory and National Economy (Faculty of Economics )
- Department of Electronics, Oscillations and Waves (Институт физики)
- Department of Ethics and Aestetics (Faculty of Philosophy)
- Laboratory of Cognitive Psychology (Faculty of Psychology )
- Balashov Institute Student Union (Прочее)
- University laboratory of material analysis (Department of Material Sciences and Technologies and Quality)
- University laboratory of forensics material study (Department of Material Sciences and Technologies and Quality)
Research institutes
- Testing laboratory (Institute of Chemistry)
- Remote Controlled Theranostic Systems Lab (ОНИ наноструктур и биосистем)
- Лаборатория "Магнитные метаматериалы" (НИИМФ)
- Лаборатория "Метаматериалы миллиметрового и терагерцового диапазона" (НИИМФ)
- “Metamaterials” laboratory (НИИМФ)
- “SHD electronics nonlinear processes” laboratory (Division of nonlinear system physics)
- Лаборатория "Прототипирование метаматериалов и устройств на их основе" (НИИМФ)
- “Nonlinear phenomena physics” laboratory (Division of nonlinear system physics)
- Biomedical optics laboratory (Институт оптики и биофотоники)
- Лаборатория биомедицинской фотоакустики (Научный медицинский центр)
- Лаборатория биотехнологии и репродуктивной биологии (Faculty of Biology)
- Laboratory of biophotonics (Институт оптики и биофотоники)
- Laboratory of geoecology (Faculty of Geology )
- Лаборатория инклюзивного обучения (Inclusive education center)
- Лаборатория инклюзивного обучения (Faculty of Pedagogical and Special Needs Education)
- Information technologies in economics laboratory (Faculty of Economics )
- Earth radiation balance components research laboratory (Department of Meteorology and Climatology )
- University Research Lab of Microelectronics (Department of Material Sciences and Technologies and Quality)
- Лаборатория молекулярной биологии (Faculty of Biology)
- Inhomogeneous media optics laboratory (Институт оптики и биофотоники)
- Medical optics diagnostic laboratory (Институт оптики и биофотоники)
- Clinical Decision Support System Laboratory (Institute of Nanostructures and Biosystems)
- Systems programming laboratory (Department of Mathematic Cybernetics and Computer Sciences )
- Лаборатория социологических исследований и информатики (Faculty of Sociology )
- Spectrum analysis laboratory (Институт оптики и биофотоники)
- Optical measurement physics and holography laboratory (Институт оптики и биофотоники)
- Semiconductor physics laboratory (НИИМФ)
- Photonic-crystal waveguides laboratory (Институт оптики и биофотоники)
- Лаборатория функциональной диагностики (ФФМиМТ)
- Лаборатория цифровых медицинских технологий (ФФМиМТ)
- Legal psychology laboratory (Faculty of Psychology )
- Nuclear physics and accelerators laboratory (НИИМФ)
- Межвузовская лаборатория радиационного контроля "МУНП ЛРК-1 САРАТОВ"
- Научная лаборатория "Умного сна" (Научный медицинский центр)
- Mathematization laboratory (Institute of Chemistry)
- СГУ Grid Dynamics. Искусственный интеллект. Машинное обучение. (Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technologies)
- University laboratory “Folklore room named after Prof. T.M. Akimova” (Institute of Philology and Journalism)
- Учебная лаборатория атомной физики, квантовой электроники и спектроскопии (Department of Optics and Biophotonics )
- Учебная лаборатория биофизики (Department of Optics and Biophotonics )
- University laboratory of simulation experiment in mechanics (Department of Mathematic and Computer Modeling )
- University laboratory of computational methods (Department of Mathematical Physics and Numerical Analysis )
- University laboratory of geoinformatics and special cartography (Faculty of Geography )
- University laboratory of hydrogeology and engineering geology (Faculty of Geology )
- University laboratory of differential equations and optimization methods (Department of Differential Equations and Applied Mathematics)
- University laboratory of engineering geology and geophysics complex problems (Faculty of Geology )
- University laboratory of computer security (Department of Computer Security and Cryptography Theory )
- University laboratory of microcomputers (Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanic)
- University laboratory of landscape studies (Faculty of Geography )
- University laboratory of meteorology (Department of Meteorology and Climatology )
- Учебная лаборатория по полупроводниковой технике (Department of Solid Body Physics )
- Учебная лаборатория по полупроводниковой электронике (Department of Solid Body Physics )
- Semiconductor electronics laboratory (Department of Semiconductor Physics )
- Учебная лаборатория прикладной психологии образования (Faculty of Pedagogical and Special Needs Education)
- University laboratory of radiophysics (Department of Radiophysics and Nonlinear Dynamics )
- University laboratory of electrotechnics (Department of Radiotechnology and Electrodynamics )
- Учебно-исследовательская лаборатория "Прикладная физика" (Department of Computer Physics )
- Учебно-научная лаборатория "Межфакультеский технологический ФАБЛАБ "Цифровые интегративные биоинженерные системы"" (НИИМФ)
- Education and Research Center of Social Risks Interdisciplinary Research (Department of Theoretical and Social Philosophy )
- Petrophysics research laboratory (Faculty of Geology )
- Research laboratory of statistical analysis and modeling (Department of Functions and Approximations Theory )
- Coating and materials engineering research laboratory (Department of Material Sciences and Technologies and Quality)
- Regional geoanalysis and urban ecology research laboratory (Faculty of Geography )
- Учебные лаборатории (Museum of zoology)
- Учебные лаборатории и кабинеты (Faculty of Biology)
- Legal clinic (Faculty of Law)
- Translation agency (Institute of Pre-University Education)
- Волонтерский центр
- Computation center (УЦИТ)
- SSU Center of Innovations and Presentations (Office of Innovations)
- Инновационно-технологический кластер
- Innovation Center 'Perspective Materials'
- "Technopark" Innovation Center
- Логопедический консультативный центр (Faculty of Pedagogical and Special Needs Education)
- International Education and Research Center of Optic Technologies in Industry and Medicine (Department of Optics and Biophotonics )
- Межотраслевой учебно-научно-инновационный центр «Электрохимическая энергетика» (Department of Physical Chemistry )
- Interregional Center of Space Monitoring (Training and Development Center of GIS Education )
- Center for support of families with children having special education needs (Научный медицинский центр)
- Education Center “New Educational Technologies" (Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanic)
- Научно-образовательный центр "Кластерная радиоэлектроника" (Department of Radiotechnology and Electrodynamics )
- Education and Research Center "Regional Historical and Cultural Heritage and Cross-cultural Relations" (Institute of History and International Relations)
- Научно-образовательный центр «Изучения стран Ближнего Востока» (Institute of History and International Relations)
- Научно-образовательный центр по изучению «Истории и культуры армян Поволжья» (Institute of History and International Relations)
- Education and Research Center of CIS and Baltic Countries (Institute of History and International Relations)
- Education and Research Center of Museum Displays and Tourist Routes Development (Institute of History and International Relations)
- Research and Education Center "Volga Germans' Literature and Language Variants" (Факультет гуманит. дисциплин, русского и иностранных языков)
- Research and Technology Center (ИТК)
- Research and Technology Center “Micro- and Nano-electronics” (ИТК)
- Научный медицинский центр
- Образовательный центр непрерывной подготовки IT-специалистов (Department of Informatics and Programming )
- Volga Region Center of New Information Technologies (УЦИТ)
- Regional Center of Practical Psychology (Faculty of Psychology )
- Regional Testing Center (Central Admissions Committee)
- Specialized Education Center of Ecological Safety Training (Training and Development Center of GIS Education )
- Education and Research Center “Botanic Garden”
- Production Training Center “Computer Technologies in Industry”
- University laboratory of mass media (Institute of Philology and Journalism)
- Учебный центр информационно-коммуникационных технологий в обучении (Department of Information Systems and Educational Technologi)
- Центр «Точка кипения СГУ»
- Children early development center (Institute of Pre-University Education)
- Russian Germans’ History and Culture Study Center (Institute of History and International Relations)
- National Speech Culture Study Center named after L.I. Barannikova (Institute of Philology and Journalism)
- Student inclusive education and social adaptation center (Office of Social Work)
- Regional Center of Graduate Employment and Labor Market Adaptation (Office of Social Work)
- Центр коллективного пользования
- SSU Multi-Access Center (Institute of Chemistry)
- Quality Management Center
- Training and Development Center of GIS Education and Innovation Center (Faculty of Geography )
- Programmers Olympiad Training Center named after N.L. Andreeva (Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technologies)
- Patent Services Center (Office of Innovations)
- IT Security Training and Development Center (Department of Computer Security and Cryptography Theory )
- Центр повышения квалификации (Institute of Continuing Professional Education)
- Центр поддержки одаренных детей
- Technologies and Innovations Support Center (Patent Services Center)
- Центр профессионального развития и бизнес-стратегий (Institute of Continuing Professional Education)
- Центр профессиональной переподготовки (Institute of Continuing Professional Education)
- Центр психолого-педагогической поддержки субъектов образовательного процесса (Faculty of Pedagogical and Special Needs Education)
- Center of regional sociological research (Faculty of Sociology )
- Language center “Dialog” (Institute of Pre-University Education)
- Редакционно-издательский отдел журнала "Известия вузов - прикладная нелинейная динамика" (Publishing Office)
- Виварий (Научный медицинский центр)
- Виртуальный педагогический класс
- Географическая школа СГУ (Faculty of Geography )
- Herbarium (Faculty of Biology)
- Regional Scientific Library named after V.A. Artisevich
- Museum of zoology (Faculty of Biology)
- Издательство (Publishing Office)
- SSU Film studio
- Летняя школа для одаренных детей "Созвездие"
- University store
- University history museum
- LLC "Vector-SSU"
- LLC "Conversia-SSU"
- LLC "Spinpolymer"
- LLC "TechnoTerm-Saratov"
- LLC "Geotechnical Survey Central Party"
- LLC "SorbiTech"
- Плавательный бассейн СГУ
- SSU labor union
- Students Union
- Regional museum of earth sciences (Faculty of Geology )
- Sport club (Institute of Sports and Physical Training)
- Student club
- Типография (Publishing Office)
- Университетская школа юного психолога (Faculty of Psychology )
- Museum of physical instruments and demonstrations (Институт физики)
- Ученый совет ИДПО (Institute of Continuing Professional Education)
- Хлестаковский конкурс (Institute of Philology and Journalism)
- SSU Young Journalist School (Institute of Philology and Journalism)
- SSU Young Translator School (Institute of Philology and Journalism)
- Школа юного химика (Institute of Chemistry)