University laboratory of mass media

University laboratory of mass media conducts education and practical training of journalism student from SSU Institute of Philology and Journalism, as well as other educational activity within the institute curriculum.
The laboratory conducts the following course:
• Journalist Skills
• Basics of Television and Radio Broadcasting
• Basic Creative Journalist Work: Radio Journalism
• Basic Creative Journalist Work: Television
• Educational Programme Release
• Educational Television
• Camera Operation Skills
• Basic Filming and Computer Postproduction/Basic Audio Recording
• Mass Media Technology and Methods
• Practical Training in TV Journalism
In the end of 2008-2009 academic year Studweek student internet and radio periodical strated its work at the laboratory and was renamed as Radio CHE in 2010. On its Pages podcasts are published that are created by journalism students as a part of Educational Radio Programme Release course and practical training.