Corporate Department of Dynamic Systems

Department staff
- Chair:
Corporate Department of Dynamic Systems was founded in 1998 in Saratov Chapter of the Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics of Russian Academy of Science (SC IREE RAS). It determined the peculiar character of the department – its affinity to academic science, implementation of newest achievements in nonlinear dynamics and teaching technologies in education process and individual approach.
Department courses are aimed at getting knowledge of fundamental nonlinear dynamics and skills of computer-based research of dynamic systems. Form the first year, students and aspirants of the department can participate in research, grant work and work of international research groups together with teachers and research fellows of the department.
List of courses:
Catastrophe and bifurcation theory
Dynamic chaos
From chaos to order
Conservative chaos
Dynamic systems modelling
Applications of catastrophe and bifurcation theory
Systems with complex dynamics
Selected issues of dynamic system theory
List of faculties where members of the department teach:
Faculty of Nonlinear Processes
University laboratories:
Computer Methods of Physics and Nonlinear Dynamics
University research laboratories:
Laboratory of Theoretical Nonlinear Dynamics (SC IREE RAS)
Student Research Laboratory
Major research focus:
Study and classification based on the method of a renormalization group of order-chaos transitions to nonlinear dynamic systems
Synchronization of self-oscillating systems (non-identical non-isochronous systems, impulse synchronization, stabilization of non-stationary modes, etc.)
Dynamics of almost conservative systems
Complex reflections and their application in physical system analysis
Quasiperiodic phenomena and strange non-chaotic attractors
Transitions to chaos in a noise environment