Division for International Cooperation and Internationalization

Defining priority cooperation venues, planning SSU prospective international ties, searching and choosing cooperation partners, developing cooperation plans and programs, supporting interuniversity exchange and contacts.
N.G. Chernyshevsky Saratov State University is involved into international educational and academic activity. As SSU has acquired the category of a national research university, the sphere of its international relations has enhanced significantly. That is why a need occurred to establish a department that would unite all subdivisions dealing with international affairs.
SSU Division for International Cooperation and Internalization includes:
Non-CIS Countries Department
CIS Countries Department
Department of International Educational and Academic Programs
Department of Registration and Support of Foreigners
Department of Recruiting Programs Implementation
Foreign Students Education Department
Center of Turkish Language and Culture
International work of the university is conducted with regard to the objectives set in the Development Program of Saratov University as National Research University, as well as SSU work areas in development of international relations:
- Programs of linguistic and professional training of students and staff abroad;
Developing export/import system of educational services;
Creating the conditions for effective academic and educational relations with colleagues from CIS and non-CIS countries;
Helping the faculties and institutes to expand and strengthen international relations in all spheres of education and broaden international cooperation geography;
Increasing appeal of the university for foreign partners;
Strengthening positions of the university on the world educational services market in the sphere of specialists training which is the most effective way of achieving long-term geopolitical, strategic and economic national interests.
One of the most notable international programs of our university is Oxford Russia Fund program. The aim of Oxford Russia Fund is to aid in development and advancement of scholarship holders’ academic work, spread information about the fund’s work, organize and carry out academic and educational events: roundtables, conferences, etc. The mission of Oxford Scholarship Holders Club is to aid and support scholarship holders in activating their academic and educational work.
Apart from that conferences and seminars are held, research is carried out in SSU and abroad, meeting of Oxfrod scholarship holders are gathered, students and teachers from CIS and non-CIS countries visit the university.