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Remote Controlled Theranostic Systems Lab

Remote Controlled Theranostic Systems Lab

Bldg VIII, office 62, Astrakhanskaya street, Saratov, 410012
Phone number: 
+7 (8452) 21 - 07 - 44
Short description: 

Laboratory was created to conform the terms of Ministry of Eduaction of Russian Federation grant for support scientific research projects implemented under the supervision
of leading scientists at Russian institutions and Russian institutions of higher education. It works on project named "Remote controllable nanostructured systems for
site specific delivery and diagnostics" (contract #14.Z50.31.0004, March, 4, 2014).

Leading Scientist

Professor of QMUL's School of Engineering and Materials Science Gleb Sukhorukov.

Responsible executor of SRW

Professor of Semiconductor Physics Chair, D.Sc. Dmitry Gorin.

Project goal

Main objective of proposal is to fabricate interactive nanoengineered systems (carriers) based on designed assembly of nanostructured materials and enable to remote controlled delivery of substances of biological importance and interrogation. These systems are aimed to navigate, activate the release of biologically active molecules and to report about local environment based on optical, ultrasound, radiofrequency and magnetic addressing, signalling and imaging. Application of remote controllable on delivery to cells, monitoring intracellular traffic, animal study on delivery to certain sites and organs and toxicity issues are major targets of the proposal.

Project objectives

1. Fabrication and characterization of nanostructured materials with remote activated properties for envisaged biomedical application. Fabrication of multifunctional nanocomposites for theranostics.
2. Investigation of hollow capsules-carriers behavior inside living tissues and cells in votro and ex vitro. Passive and active mechanisms of nanoparticle delivery into mammalian and plant cells and tissues.
3. Fabrication and study of hollow composite capsules with complex shell and capsules loaded with substances of biological importance model (interferon alpha-2b). Modeling remote control mechanisms for composite capsules injected into blood flow.
4. Toxicology/degradation/sustained release study on the different level including cell level. The study of toxicity of fabricated nanostructures (capsular carriers, plasmonic nanoparticles, multifunctional nanocomposites) in vitro and in vivo. Development of testsystems for evaluation of nanotoxicity in vivo.
5. Concept of responsive and sensitive micron sized “Submarine” to explore biological media. Development of new SERS biosensor platforms based on assembled metallic nanostructures.
6. Delivery of magnetized cells with external magnetic field. 
7. Developing of visualization protocols for animal trials. Application of different methods for tracking of injected capsules.
8. Proof of concept on remotely controlled delivery of nanostructured delivery systems in vivo.
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