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Saratov State University Celebrates Russian Press Day

13 January, 2024 - 12:00

Saratov State University Celebrates Russian Press Day

Даниил Пронин
Дмитрий Ковшов

Russian Press Day is celebrated on January 13. 320 years ago, in 1703, the first issue of the Russian printed newspaper Vedomosti was published. At Saratov State University, this date is considered the professional day not only by those who are engaged in the production of printed materials, but also by everyone who is somehow connected with the creation of media content.

Journalists of the Office for Media Communications, SSU, actively cover the life of the university on the official website of the university, on SSU accounts on social networks, and activists of the Council of Undergraduates and Postgraduates are successfully working in the Media direction. The Office for Publishing is engaged in the production of scientific publications.

The celebration is joined by the teaching staff of the Institute of Philology and Journalism, in one way or another connected with the work of modern media and their research – Valerii Prozorov, Elena Yelina, Igor Knigin, Artyom Zorin, Kirill Zakharov, Lyudmila Borisova, Alexandra Rayeva, Irina Bibina, Svetlana Artemenko, Tatyana Volokonskaya, Andrei Suvorov, Kirill Rozanov, Julia Anikeyeva, Roman Pavlenko, and others. Headed by Andrei Bolkunov, the School of Journalism, SSU, prepares applicants for admission to the Institute of Philology and Journalism.

The SSU Film Studio and the I Like It student TV project are actively involved in shaping the media picture of the university. The students and the staff of creative teams make video reports and the chronicle of large-scale university events – official events, scientific conferences, and Student Springs.

Every year, the professional achievements of the university media, editorial offices and journalists are marked by both at the regional and federal levels.

Saratov State University Press

On November 18, 2023, Saratov State University Press turned 65 years old. The university ‘printing workshop’, the winner of regional, all-Russian, international contests and fairs, has been working with thousands of the SSU staff for many years, producing printed products from scientific journals and monographies to journalistic publications.

The publishing house specialises in the publication of scientific and academic works in various fields. So, for more than a century, the Izvestia of Saratov State University serial journal, founded in 1909, has been published. The publishing house regularly participates in book contests and fairs.

In 2023, three SSU journals entered the largest international database of peer-reviewed open access scientific journals DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals) – the Izvestiya of Saratov University. History. International Relations journal, the Ancient World and Archaeology collection, and the Physical Training and Student Sports journal.

The Office for Media Communications, SSU

The Office for Media Communications, SSU, is responsible for the university information policy. It is supervised by Head of Priority Projects and Programmes Elena Yelina.

The editorial staff publishes the Saratov State University newspaper, the Sweet Milk magazine, and is responsible for the news feed and media sections of the web-site, maintain the official accounts of the SSU on social networks. This year, the university Zen channels entered the Media Rating of the Ministry of Higher Education and Science for the first time – the SSU channel rose to 8th position in Russia.

The cooperation of the SSU press service with other media is expanding. In 2023, the materials about the research of Saratov State University scientists were included several times in the top-5 most popular publications about science not only in the Russian segment of the Internet, but also abroad.

Last year, the journalists of the Office for Media Communications gained victories in a number of regional and federal contests.

The honourary certificate of the Ministry of Higher Education and Science of the Russian Federation For Significant Achievements in Education and Conscientious Work was awarded to Head of the Office for Media Communications Julia Anikeyeva. For high achievements in literature and journalism, Head of the Media Centre Larisa Suvorova received the Success Award.

The editors of the office Aelita Ponomaryova and Polina Gromova made it to the finals of the Mediacode All-Russian contest this year. Aelita became the best in the Clear nomination (popular- scientific projects). And her Yes, I Am a Laboratory Rat! material took 2nd place in the University Science nomination at the UniverCity contest of student media projects.

In 2023, Dmitrii Kovshov was awarded with a letter of appreciation of the Ministry of Information and Mass Communications of Saratov Region for participating in the Peter the Great’s Routes regional journalistic contest, then received a special prize at the 22nd Delphic Games for creative look at the topic in the Photography nomination, and became the owner of the scholarship of the Governor of Saratov Region in journalism.

Daniil Pronin is the winner of the Summer School of Journalism second annual educational intensive for students from the Ministry of Higher Education and Science of Russia, a participant in the press tour of activists of the student media centre of the Ministry of Higher Education and Science in Kaliningrad, and the winner of the SSU Student of the Year annual contest in the Journalist of the Year nomination.

Sweet Milk Media Project

The Saratov State University student media are traditionally among the best in Russia. In the media rating of the Ministry of Higher Education and Science, the VK group of the Sweet Milk media project in August 2023 took 8th place (among 120 similar Russian public web-sites) and continues to hold positions in the top-20. The printed version of the magazine became the winner of the first degree at the 2023 Saratov Student Spring in the Student Magazine or Newspaper nomination and the winner at the TIME CODE All-Russian Festival of Youth Journalism.

The Sweet Milk telegram channel turned exactly one year old in November. The headings have also been updated here, interactive events are held, and student events are covered in live mode.

The Sweet Milk journalists regularly participate in contests and media projects and always win, the photos of its editors Ekaterina Selivyorova and Inna Akayeva are listed on the university Honour Board. Last year, Ekaterina passed the competitive selection for the summer school of science and journalism named after the Schrodinger cat, became a finalist in the video contest from Rosmolodezh.Dobro, and visited Nizhny Novgorod as part of the Studentourism programme.

Editor Inna Akayeva became the winner of the 2023 Saratov Student Spring 2023 in the Media nomination (Audio Podcast, 3rd place) and the winner of the A.A. Voznesensky scholarship in the literature and journalism. The long-read of the magazine, prepared by a team of authors, The Expedition Gallery to Sosnovka was included in the shortlist of the UniverCity All-Russian contest of student media projects. And the Student Spring: The Mission Is (Not) Possible! long-read became the second in the Multimedia History nomination at the TIME CODE contest.

Journalists of the Sweet Milk Arslan Erendzhenov passed a competitive selection for participation in the CO.creators personnel programme at the site of the Alabuga special economic zone, and Natalia Korchashkina became the winner of the 2023 Saratov Student Spring contest in the Graphic Design. Illustration nomination.

I Like It SSU TV Project

In 2023, the Rutube channel of the I Like It SSU TV project, twice became the leader of the rating of media activity of student media – in February and August 2023. In April, May, October and November, the TV project was among the TOP-3 best student video projects. The project is led by Associate Professor of the Department of Literary Studies and Journalism Roman Pavlenko.

At the 26th 2023 Saratov Student Spring regional festival in the Media direction, students of the Institute of Philology and Journalism Valeria Agadzhanova and Anna Gnusaryova took 2nd place with a story about international students from China at SSU.

At the 1st Festival of Science and Inventions All-Russian on the screen popular-scientific videos, podcasts, films, and programmes, the plot of the editor-in-chief of the project Valeria Agadzhanova Interview with a Young Scientist Mikhail Makhortov received a special prize. Arina Kuzina, Deputy the editor-in-chief of the project, was awarded with the Scholarship by the Governor of the region in journalism.

Media direction of the Council of Undergraduates and Postgraduates, SSU

The journalists of the Media direction prepare materials about the youth events of the Council of Undergraduates and Postgraduates. They actively develop the Council social networks, involve students in volunteering and social events, as well as patriotic projects.

At the 9th Student Russia All-Russian Forum, SSU won in the Best Publicity Practice of the Student Council nomination.

In 2023, for the first time, Saratov State University hosted the MediaWave district media school, for which a grant from Rosmolodezh was received. The university students and college students of Volga Federal District attended the lectures in the following areas – Correspondents, Design, Video, SMM, and Photo presented their media projects.

Angelina Pchelintseva gained the victory in the Tavrida.Art contest of student and youth media and the Student Media Centre of the Ministry of Higher Education and Science of Russia with the Tavrida in Hearts: Year After Year long-read. She holds the position of editor in the Media direction. At the All-Russian media school in Pyatigorsk, Alexander Tolstykh, an activist of the Council of Undergraduates and Postgraduates, won in the Photo nomination.

On the eve of Russian Press Day, on January 12, in the Russia – My History historical park, the best journalists of the region, including the SSU staff, were honoured. Read more about the event here.