Professional training:
- Austrian open innovations model and university’s role in transferring technology (September, 2011, Vienna)
Since 1966 Prof. Prozorov's work has been linked to Saratov State University. He started working at the Department of Russian Literature. In 1984, he founded a new Department of Literary Theory and Criticism, later - Department of Literary Studies and Journalism. He was the Dean of Faculty of Philology, later – Faculty of Philology and Journalism, and the Director of the Institute of Philology and Journalism. In 1983-2003, he was the head of Philological committee of the Russian Federation Ministry for Education that supervised scientific and publishing activity. Since 1994, Prof. Prozorov has been the Chair of dissertation committee D212.243.02. Since 1992, he’s been a corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, since 1993 – a member of the International Academy of Science. In 2010 he started working as the Scientific advisor of SSU Institute of Philology and Journalism.
Taught courses:
· Introduction to Literary Studies
· Literary Culture Foundations
· Journalistic Criticism Basics
· Journalism and Modern Mass Media
· Journalistic Text Poetics
· Literary Studies and Modern Humanities
Scientific advisor of SSU Institute of Philology and Journalism
- Creative mind of a satirical writer. Saratov, 1965.
- Reader and Literary Process/ Ed. by E.I. Pokusaev. Saratov, 1975.
- Saltykov-Shchedrin: Biography. Study guide. Leningrad, 1969. (with E.I. Pokusaev)
- Reader and Writer// Brief Literary Encyclopedia. Vol. 9. Moscow, 1978.
- Fiction and reader’s perception: to the issue// Philological studies. 1978. № 1. P. 11-17.
- Saltykov-Shchedrin// Russian Literature and Folklore. Leningrad, 1982. P. 76-93.
- Pisarev. Teacher’s book. Moscow, 1984.
- Title meaning of Gogol’s “Dead souls”// Philological studies. 1978. № 1. P. 23-28.
- Saltykov-Shchedrin. Teacher’s book. Moscow, 1988.
- Object of Literary Criticism History: to the issue// Philological studies. 1992. № 3. P. 22-30.
- Poetry of history// Motherland. 1994. № 1. P. 80-83.
- Dramatic conflict in Gogol’s “The Government Inspector” and “Marriage”// Volga. № 2-3. С. 152–163.
- Gogol’s “The Government Inspector”. Saratov, 1996.
- Saltykov-Shchedrin //Saltykov-Shchedrin's the Golovlovs/ A Critical Companion/ Ed. by I. P. Foote. Northwestern University Press, 1997/ S. 71–75.
- Another reality// Literary Issues. 1998. January-February. P. 31-41.
- Rumor as a philological issue// Philological Studies. 1998. № 3. P. 73–78.
- Author// Introduction to Literary Studies. Work of Literature: Definitions. Moscow, 1999. P. 11-21.
- Literary criticism// Literary Encyclopedia. Moscow, 2001.
- Power of journalism, or mass media reality. Saratov: SSU Press, 2004.
- Power and freedom of journalism. Moscow: Flinta, 2005.
- A.P. Skaftymov. New Materials for the Biography// Izvestia of Saratov University. New Series. 2005. Vol. 5. Series Philology. Journalism. № 1-2. P. 34-36.
- On corporate culture of journalism // Izvestia of Saratov University. New Series. 2005. Vol. 5. Series Philology. Journalism. № 1-2. P. 84-89.
- Introduction to literary studies. Saratov: SSU Press, 2006. (with E.G. Elina, I.A. Knigin)
- Literary genres and modern media// language of mass media. Moscow, 2007. P. 235-242.
- History of Russian literary criticism .Moscow: Academia, 2009. (with E.G. Elina, E.E. Zakharov, I.A. Knigin, O.O. Milovanova)
- Gogol’s way// Fathers’ Land. 2009. № 1. P. 92-94.
- Qu' apporte l'Internet au development de la personne? // La Revolution Internet / Sous la direction de A. Char et R. Cote. Montreal: Presses de Universite du Quebec, 2009. P. 75-88 (Collection Communication).
- Post Resante… Some articles on literature and journalism. Saratov, 2008.
- Skaftymov’s school// Skaftymov in Russian literary studies and culture: articles, memories, materials. Saratov, 2010. P. 4-14.
- Internet Censorship // Internet tn medias tradionnels dans l,espac informatique au Canada et en Russie/ – Actes des journees scientifiques, Universite d’Etat a Saratov, 2-4 fevrier 2010/. P. 11-19.
- Introduction to Literary Studies: Textbook. Moscow, 2012. (with E.G. Elina)
- Power and Freedom of Journalism. Moscow: Flinta, 2012.