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Head of Priority Projects and Programmes
Saratov school №13, with advanced study of mathematics
Faculty of Philology, Saratov State University, 1974 г.
Идентификаторы в системах наукометрии: 
Thesis and academic degrees: 
PhD in Philology , Epistolary forms in Saltykov-Shchedrin’s satire, 1981 г.
Terminal degree in Philology, Literary Criticism and social consciousness in Soviet Russia of 1920-s, 1996 г.
Research Interests: 
Literary criticism
Journalism in Soviet and post-Soviet Russia
Types and forms of self-reflexivity in literature
Общий стаж: 
51 год
Стаж по специальности: 
51 год
Work experience: 
Faculty of Philology, 1988 to 2006
Rector's Office, с 2007 по н.в.
Other Administrative Positions: 

Other Administrative Positions:

1998 – currently: Member of the Philology Council of the Educational Association of Classical University Education

2000: Developer of the State Education Standard.

2010: Developer of the Federal Standard in Philology, syllabi  models, and support materials for teaching in various philological programs of higher education

Honors and Awards: 
Honored worker of higher professional education , 2009 г.
Certificate of Merit from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, 2009 г.
Medal «For distinguished service to Saratov State University» to commemorate the University’s 100th anniversary, 2009 г.

Elena Genrikhovna was born in Saratov in 1952. She graduated from School № 13 in 1969 and from the Faculty of Philology of Saratov State University in 1974. Then she worked as a teacher of the Russian language and literature in School № 42 for six years. Also Elena Genrikhovna was a member of the Board on Golden Medal Awarding of Ministry of Education in the Saratov Region and a member of the Top Qualification Conferment for Teachers Board and cooperated with Saratov Institute of Further Training of Educators (Saratov Regional Institute of Education Development now).

Since 1974 she has been working at Saratov University as Assistant first, then as Associate Professor, and as Professor now. From 1988 to 2006 Elena Genrikhovna held the position of Dean Deputy of Philology Faculty for Scientific Work. Since 2007 she has been occupying the post of Vice-Rector for Educational Work.

Преподаваемые дисциплины: 
Введение в литературоведение
История русской литературной критики
Методы и методики анализа художественного текста в школе
история журналистики
Основы журналистики
Main Publications: 
  1. Epistolary forms in Saltykov-Shchedrin’s satire. Saratov, 1981.
  2. Readers’ reception of Ye. Yevtushenko poem “Fuku!”// Volga. 1986. №9. P.150-155.
  3. Learning from the great authors. Moscow, 1989.
  4. Critical reception of Saltykov-Shchedrin’s writing before the October revolution: the problem of actuality// Saltykov-Shchedrin and Russian literature. Leningrad, 1991. P. 132-141.
  5. Literary criticism and social consciousness in Soviet Russia of  the 1920-s. Saratov, 1994.
  6. History of Literary Criticism: Part 3: Course Syllabus: Practicum// Russian literary criticism. Saratov, 1994.
  7. Integrated Program of School education in Literature: 1-11 grades. 2nd edition // Saratov Education Newsletter, 1995. №5-6. (with V.V. Prozorov, I.A. Knigin).
  8. Morozov Nikolai Alexandrovich// Russian writers: Bibliographical dictionary. Moscow, 1990. P. 51-54.1st ed..; Мoscow, 1996. pp. 48-50. 2nd ed.
  9. Maxim Gorki’s role in literary career of Mikhail Mogilianski// Russian literature. St. Petersburg, 1997. №4.  P.160-163.
  10. Manual on the Russian language and literature for students applying to Saratov State University. Saratov, 1998. (with V.V. Prozorov, M.A. Yagubova)
  11. On the issue of correlation of notions ‘literary process’ and ‘literary life’// Voprosy Literatury. May-June (№3). P. 31-38.
  12. V.B. Shklovsky and contemporary literary studies.// Russian philology. 2000.№3. P.68-70.
  13. Classic literature in literary journals in 1999// Literary studies and journalism. Saratov, 2000. P. 221-233.
  14. Typology of modern journalists// Journalism in 2000: Reality and perspectives. Moscow, 2001. P. 18-19.
  15. History of Russian literary criticism: textbook. Ed. by V.V. Prozorov. Moscow, 2002. P 253-362, 4-425, 427-433.
  16. Regional government and the art of writing: Literature and journalism in Saratov in the 1920s. Saratov, 2003. P. 3-21, 107-126, 191-203.
  17. Philological specialties in Saratov State University// Information Bulletin of the Philology Council of the Educational Association of Classical University Education. Perm, 2007. №7. P. 47-48.
  18. Canonical text// Introduction to literary studies/ ed. by L.V. Chernets. Moscow, 2004. P. 521-533. (with I.A. Knigin).
  19. Journalism in Saratov State University: textbook for students of journalism. Saratov, 2005. P. 8-15, 53-65.
  20. Introduction to literary studies. 3rd edition. Saratov, 2006. (with V.V. Prozorov, I.A. Knigin).
  21. Items and things in A.A Tarkovsky’s poetry// Language of fiction. Literary language. Saratov, 2006. P. 172-178.
  22. Innovative model of journalist training// Accreditation in education. 2007. № 14. pp. 58-59.
  23. “Popular” poetry on the Internet// Literature and people. Tver, 2007. P. 85-91.
  24. European experience of philologist training// Innovative approaches in developing Federal State Educational Standards and educational programs in the field “Philology”. Moscow, 2007.
  25. Journalism and censorship in Soviet Russia in the 1920s// Censorship as a socio-cultural phenomenon. Saratov, 2007. P. 176-191.
  26. The Left Front and new journalism// Literary avant-garde in socio-cultural space of Russian province. Saratov, 2008. P. 163-176.
  27. History of Russian literary criticism. Student textbook. Moscow, 2009. (with V.V. Prozorov, I.A. Knigin, O.O. Milovanova, Ye.Ye. Zaharov).
  28. Forms and functions of readers’ literary criticism on the Internet// Фiлiа логоу. Saratov, 2010. P. 259-271. (together with M.A. Frizen)
  29. Skaftymov’s literary studies and contemporary Russian literature// Alexandr Pavlovich Skaftimov in Russian literary studies and culture. Saratov, 2010. pp. 223-229.
  30. Textual criticism// Introduction to literary studies. 3rd edition. Moscow, 2010. (with I.A. Knigin).


Prof. Elina has published 127 works.

All-Russian and International Conferences on A.P. Skaftymov, Russian literary avant-garde, censorship issues in the history of Russian literature and journalism, and other problems of literary studies, 1989 to 2013 г., статус участия - Member of the organizational board.
Post-graduate Students: 
Yasakova E.A.
Matvienko O.I.
Rezchikova A.A.
Borisova L.S.
Bibina I.V., Space and time in V. Nabokov’s autobiographical novels, 2003 г.
Belkov R.V., Saratov literature and newspaper culture (periodicals of the 1920s), 2005 г.
Tulenkov D.A.
Khrustaleva A.V.
Pohaznikova I.V.
Yasakova M.A.
Raeva A.V., N.M. Olejnikov’s writing in the context of official poetry of the 1920-1930s.
Rakitina E.B., ‘Poetic people’ in the context of Russian-language poetry on the Internet, 2008 г.
Lysenko E.V., Tone and sound in A.A. Tarkovsky’s lyric poetry, 2008 г.
Erokhina M.V., Methods and functions of polemics in literary journals’ criticism of the second half of the 1980s., 2010 г.
Pastukhova E.E., Russian women’s prose at the turn of the ХХ-XXI centuries in reception of Russian and foreign literary critics, 2010 г.