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Students Share Secrets: How to Pass Winter Exams

17 January, 2024 - 10:00

Students Share Secrets: How to Pass Winter Exams

Аэлита Пономарёва
Дмитрий Ковшов
Артём Гребнев

The winter exams are at full swing at Saratov State University, and the students from all academic departments demonstrate the teaching staff their knowledge acquired during the first semester.

This period begins immediately after the New Year holidays. And this really stressful for the psyche and the whole body, because you need to put aside entertainment and switch to active intellectual activity, because the exams, like winter in Krylov's fable, ‘blinds’. However, stress can, on the contrary, push you to work productively. The main thing is to keep a cool mind and concentrate.

The students of Saratov State University told us how to overcome this time effectively and harmlessly. For some, this is the very first exam, so it causes special excitement and emotions.

Maria Metelskaya, a first-year student at Balashov Institute, is studying the Russian language and literature. ‘I passed first exams well. At first, it was difficult for me to embrace so much information at once, but after a few tests, it began to get better.’ The student spoke about how she copes with stress. ‘Before the day of taking a test or exam, I go to bed early and do not think about how I will pass until the very moment I receive a ticket.’

To cram or not to cram – that is the question. Most SSU students tend to believe that thoughtless memorisation of materials does not justify itself, much less the resources spent on it. So, Sergei Zakharov, a student at the Institute of Physics, makes notes, writing out important information from the textbooks and lectures. ‘I take exam preparation quite seriously, so I work through all the material I have read and write out the most necessary things. Doing it, I understand information better, and a self-written summary helps me quickly recall the material.’

Most often, students wait for the exams with a sinking heart, and when it comes, they greet it with a heavy sigh. Matvei Shapovalov, a student at the Institute of History and International Relations, believes that those who have worked hard throughout the semester should not be afraid of the exams. ‘There is nothing terrible in the exams for those who have regularly attended classes and paid due attention to their studies. The professors, as a rule, meet such students halfway. Therefore, the exams should be a confirmation of the knowledge acquired earlier, and in no other way,’ Matvei said. However, he still admitted that luck and a little faith in miracles help him to pass the exams. ‘When I was taking tickets, I made a wish for the desired number (the one I knew best) and took it out, to my surprise. It has happened several times.’

During such a busy period as the exam time, students are very prone to superstition. They, not afraid of the sharp frost, lean out of the windows and wave their record books to attract the goddess of passed exams and free credits to their side, put a five-rouble coin in their shoe, do not wash their hair before the exam, believing that all knowledge will flow away and be lost in the abyss of sewage ...

Is there a recipe for the exams with the good and tops marks? Sure. Daria Byneyeva, a student of the Faculty of Fundamental Medicine and Medical Technologies, told us about it. She passed almost the entire exams “automatically”.

‘First of all, attend classes, write down the necessary information, review the information so that before the exam you do not grab your head and do not think about the question, ‘Where should I start learning?’ This is the first life hack from Daria. In addition, she thinks that at the time of preparing for the exam, one should not worry, because stress has a negative impact on the memorisation of the material.

Another important component of passing exams successfully is sleep and the alternation of active mental work with rest or a change of activity.

In order for the brain to work well and keep the information, it needs to be “fed” with something sweet, thus, activating the work of neural connections. That is why the student of the Faculty of Fundamental Medicine and Medical Technologies recommends that you stock up on something delicious during the exams, such as chocolate and fruits, so that your head works better and you always have a good mood.

Read the recommendations from a psychologist of the Centre for Inclusive Support and Student Social Adaptation Irina Nikolayeva in the SSU Psychological Support section on the university website. These recommendations will help you pass the exams not only successfully, but also without stress. Find the colourful memo, entitled Exam Without Stress, here.

Head of the Psychological Support Service Natalia Sergeyeva gave advice to students on how to stay calm during the exam time. ‘You should manage your mood, you should meditate, as well as engage in self-training. The most important thing is to understand that the exam is not an execution, it is only a test of your knowledge. You should believe that you will definitely succeed, and know that even if something does not work out, you can always fix it.’

In the issue of the student project Let's Find Out, you can find out what expectations and fears professors have during the exams. Here, they gave students recommendations on how to pass all tests and exams.