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25th International Constitutional Forum: Results

18 December, 2023 - 16:28

25th International Constitutional Forum: Results

Инна Акаева
Дмитрий Ковшов
Архив юридического факультета
Павел Сураев

The Results and Prospects of the Constitutional Development of Russia forum was held in Saratov, dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

On December 13 and 14, as part of the forum, the SSU hosted a panel discussion The Genesis of Russian Constitutionalism and student panel discussions The role of the Constitution in the political and legal development of society and the state, as well as an intellectual game on The Fundamentals of Russian Statehood. The participating states are Russia, Belarus, Iraq, Kazakhstan, and Italy.

On the last day of the forum, December 15, a plenary session was held in the Saratov Regional Duma under the chairmanship of Mikhail Isayev and the results of the forum were summed up.

‘I am sure that the participants of the scientific conference will not only summarize the results of all the transformations of the Constitution, but also identify trends according to which, perhaps, the main document of our country will develop in the future,’ Mikhail Isayev noted.

On behalf of the Governor of Saratov Region Roman Busargin, Vice-Governor Igor Pivovarov spoke with words of greeting.

Sergei Kabyshev, Chair of the Committee on Science and Higher Education of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, welcomed the audience. ‘For me, the Constitution is not just a law, in 1993 it ensured consolidation and became a symbol of a new era. What is happening now is proof of the viability of this document.’

The following presented their reports at the plenary session: President of the International Slavic Academy of Sciences, Education, Arts and Culture, Chief Researcher of the Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences, President of the Association of Law Schools Sergei Baburin (The Priorities of Russian Constitutionalism), Chair of the Department of Constitutional Law, BSU, Grigorii Vasilevich (Human Rights and Duties in the New Constitutional Dimension), Chair of the Department of Management and Law, Moscow City Pedagogical University, Tatyana Pryakhina (The Saratov Draft of the Constitution of Russia), and Chair of the I.E. Farber and V.T. Kabyshev Department of Constitutional Law, the Saratov State Academy of Law, Tamara Zametina (The 30th Anniversary of the Constitution of the Russian Federation: the Development of Russian Federalism).

Dean of the Faculty of Law, SSU, Galina Komkova made a presentation on the emergence of new constitutional categories as a factor in the constitutional development of modern Russia. In it, she talked about the 2020 reform – new terms and categories appeared in the text of the document. The most significant of them are public authority, social partnership and the All-Russian cultural identity.

The forum worked in as thematic platforms. Following the results of the conference presentations, a collection of scientific reports of the participants will be published.

The winners of the V.T. Kabyshev Award were announced at the forum. Letters of thanks were awarded to the staff of the Department of Constitutional Law of the SSU. The meeting also noted the authors of the Saratov draft of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the winners of the competition of works dedicated to the anniversary of the Constitution among students and the winners of the Third Regional Olympiad of schoolchildren among students of grades 10-11 on the constitutional rights of citizens.

Dean of the Faculty of Law, SSU, Galina Komkova became the winner of the V.T. Kabyshev Regional Legal Award in the Legal Education nomination. The award was presented to her by Vladimir Kabyshev’s son Sergei Kabyshev. The nominal award was established in memory of Chair of the Department of State Law of the Saratov Law Institute named after D.I. Kursky (now – SSAL) Vladimir Kabyshev, who headed a group of scientists who participated in the preparation of the Saratov draft Constitution.

Associate Professors of the Department of Constitutional and Municipal Law Elena Abayeva, Vitalii Sychyov, and Professor Natalia Averyanova received letters of appreciation from the Governor of Saratov Region, which were given by Igor Pivovarov.

Mikhail Isayev awarded the winners of the interuniversity competition of legislative projects among students, postgraduates and undergraduates. The 1st place in the For achievements in research and project activities of undergraduates and graduates nomination was awarded to Julia Chulisova, Assistant at the Department of Theory of State and Law, a 3rd-year postgraduate at the Faculty of Law, SSU. The 2nd-year students of the Faculty of Law V.A. Antonchikova, E.O. Konoplyova, and D.A. Nikitin won in the For achievements in research and project activities of undergraduates and graduates nomination.