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Саратовский юридический институт имени Д.И. Курского, 1983 г., Правоведение
Thesis and academic degrees: 
Terminal degree in Law ,
Academic title: 
Профессор по кафедре конституционного и муниципального права, 2003 г.
Research Interests: 
Constitutional issues of human rights equality and protection against discrimination
Общий стаж: 
42 года
Стаж по специальности: 
42 года
Work experience: 
Dean, Юридический факультет, с 2006 по н.в.
Honored lawyer of the Russian Federation
Other Administrative Positions: 

Since 2007 G.N. Komkova has been a Saratov region Duma deputy, deputy chair of the Committee on state construction, deputy chair of the Committee on culture, social relations and information policy

Honors and Awards: 
Заслуженный юрист Российской Федерации, 2010 г.

G.N. Komkova is a member of the Higher Attestation Commission Expertise committee on law of the Russian Federation Ministry for Education and Science.

Since 2009 she has been a chair of the dissertation committee DM 212.243.14 on Constitutional law, Municipal law, Administration law, Finance law, Information law; a member of dissertation committee D212.243.04 on Politics theory, Political science history and methodology, Political institutions, Ethno-political conflictology, National and political processes and technologies; a member of dissertation committee D212.239.02 on Constitutional law, Municipal law.

She has been a scientific advisor of 3doctoral and 35 PhD theses.

Prof. Komkova is an editor of the leading Russian journals: “Izvestia Saratovskogo Universiteta. Series Economy. Politics. Law”, “Law policy and life” (Saratov-Mscow), “Modern society and law” (Orel), “Russian law: Education, practice, science” (Ekaterinburg).

She has initiated “Constitutional forum” conference that is held every year at the SSU Faculty of Law.

Преподаваемые дисциплины: 
Конституционное право
Актуальные проблемы конституционного права
Конституционное право и процесс
Main Publications: 

G.N. Komkova is the author of 230 published works including 13 monographs, 8 textbooks and 17 study guides.

  • Lection 4: Constitutional principles of election law// Election law and process in Russia: Course of lectures/ ed. by V.T. Kabysheva. Saratov: Saratov State Academy of Law Press, 2013. P. 47-62.
  • Russian Federation constitutional law: Textbook. Moscow, 2013. 2nd edition. (with Lipchanskaia M.A., Kolesnikov E.V.)
  • Constitutional law in foreign countries: Textbook. Moscow, 2013. (with Kolesnikov E.V., Afanasieva O.V.)
  • Russian Federation government/ ed. by G.N. Komkova. Saratov: SSU Press, 2012.
  • Constitutional law practicum: Textbook/ ed. by G.N. Komkova. Saratov: Saratovski Istochnik, 2013.
  • Law principles: theoretical and discipline aspects. Saratov, 2010 (with Matuzov N.I., Malko A.V. and others)
  • Government, society and business cooperation in Russian regions. Saratov: Saratovski Istochnik, 2010. (with Berdnikova E.V., Kriuchkova E.A)
  • Concept model of government, society and business cooperation in Russian regions/ ed. by G.N. Komkova. Saratov: Saratovski Istochnik, 2011.
  • Constitutional control over government transparency in Russia and Canada/ ed. by V.V. Volodin, S.V. Kabyshev. Moscow: Law formula, 2009.
  • Human rights: Encyclopedia/ ed. by S.S. Alekseev. Moscow: Norma, 2009. P. 110-115, 122, 173-175.
  • Government, society and business in the region: effective cooperation prospects/ ed. by G.N. Komkova. Saratov: Saratovski Istochnik, 2012.
  • Equality and in equality in Russian constitutional law// Leningrad law journal. 2012. № 3 (29). St. Petersburg, Pushkin Leningrad State university. P. 11-27.
  • “Value” category in Russian constitutional law// Izvestia Saratovskogo universiteta. New series. Series Economy. Management. Law. №2. Vol. 12. Saratov: SSU Press, 2012. P. 97-99.
  • Expert evaluation of electronic state services // Vestnic of SSEU. 2012. № 5 (44). P.201-205 (with Ovchinnikov S.A.)
  • Legal framework unity issues in legislative policy of Russian capital and regions// Constitutional state: theory and practice. 2013. № 2 (32).
  • Constitutional values system in Russian Federation Constitutional Court// Constitutional law in Russian legal and political systems: Proc. of the International Constitutional Forum. Vol. 3. Saratov: Saratovski Istochnik, 2012. P. 43-48.
  • Human rights restriction and its types in the Russian Federation // Legal science and law enforcement: Collection of works. Saratov, 2012. P. 76-77.
  • Constitutional principle of equality independent from nationality – tolerance basis in Russia and Kazakhstan// Equal Eurasianism: islamic revival and philosophy of Ğabdulla Tuqay’s poetry. Uralsk, 2011. P. 47-53.
  • Nondiscrimination legal culture in modern Russia// Church, education, science: relationship history and cooperation prospets. Saratov: Saratov archdiocese Press, 2001. P. 172-175.
  • Legal foundations of government and national communities cooperation in Russia and Kazakhstan// Legal and political issues of government, society and business cooperation in Russia and abroad: Proc. of the international conference. Saratov: Saratovski Istochnik, 2012. P. 98-102.
  • Russian Constitution educational function // Vestnik of Saratov Law Academy. 2013. № 4 (93). P. 105-109.
  • University and employers cooperation in preparing future lawyers // University lawyer. 2013. №7. P.35-39.
Additional information: 


G.N. Komkova was born in Ust’-Djeguta (Stavropol region) in 1962.

In 1983 she graduate Saratov Law Institute with honors and started teaching at the Department of State law. She also did graduate studies under supervision of Prof. I.E. Farber and Prof. V.T. Kabyshev successfully defending her PhD thesis “Constitutional issues of religious freedom in USSR” in 1991. In 1984-1992 G.N. Komkova lived in Belarus with her husband where she worked as a leading legal counsel.

Upon their return to Saratov G.N. Komkova started working at Stolypin Academy of Civil Service climbing the ladder from Department chair to Vice-rector on scientific work. In 2006 she became the Dean of Saratov State University Faculty of Law.

In 2003 G.N. Komkova got a Terminal degree in Law defending the thesis “Constitutional principles of human rights equality in Russia: concept, its content and remedial methods”.

Taught courses:

  • Russian constitutional law
  • Civil rights protection by Russian government
  • Constitutional foundations of civil right protection
  • Civil remedies