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Day of Sign Language Interpreters: Teaching Children with Hearing Impairments in SSU

31 October, 2023 - 16:45

Day of Sign Language Interpreters: Teaching Children with Hearing Impairments in SSU

Даниил Пронин
Архив факультета ППиСО

On October 31, Day of Sign Language Interpreters is celebrated in Russia. It also unites sign language teachers who teach people with hearing impairments. Nowadays, 132 such specialists are working in Saratov Region. They are the intermediate party in communication between deaf people and the rest of the world. The training of sign language teachers in Saratov is conducted by the Faculty of Psychological, Pedagogical, and Special Needs Education, SSU.

In the Opportunities, not Limitations article, we will tell you how people become sign language teachers and sign language interpreters, what is the value of sign language, how deaf people restore speech. Also, we will share the peculiarities of the internship of that course there.

Associate Professor of the Department of Special Needs Education, Head of the Laboratory of Inclusive Education, SSU, Ekaterina Gorina explained what young people who have come to the profession face and commented on the training of students – future sign language teachers. Marina Nikitina, a classical sign language interpreter and a teaching staff member at SSU, shared how she introduces students to the extraordinary world of the deaf.

Read the article in the Research City section.