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SSU Rector Chumachenko Congratulates on International Women’s Day

8 March, 2024 - 10:00

SSU Rector Chumachenko Congratulates on International Women’s Day

Dear women!

I heartily congratulate you on March 8!

This spring holiday symbolises not only beauty and charm, but also the strength, wisdom of our women, and boundless love for everything that surrounds them.

March 8 is becoming especially important this year, because it has been declared the Year of the Family. The family is the foundation of our society, a source of love, support, and inspiration. And women play an important role in family life, creating comfort and keeping the warmth of the hearth, bringing up children and supporting their loved ones.

Wonderful women work at our university who combine their professional activities with taking care of their relatives. Our women are excellent teaching staff members, brilliant lecturers, as well as developers of new courses and disciplines. Therefore, they join federal education-to-methodology associations, become authors of projects, university textbooks, and manuals. Our female scientists lead research groups, win serious grants, and their names are known not only in Russia, but all over the world.

You make an invaluable contribution to the development of science, education, and upbringing of the younger generation. Your research expands the boundaries of knowledge, your lectures inspire students, and your support and mentoring help young people believe in themselves and their ideas. You are a worthy example for them in everything! Our young students have someone to look up to and also please us with their sporting and creative achievements, volunteer and community work, and victories in intellectual contests.

On this festive day, I express my sincere gratitude to all of you for your hard work and dedication. I wish you good health, happiness, and well-being. May all your dreams come true. May love, mutual understanding, and support always embrace your families.

Happy holiday, dear women!

Rector of Saratov State University

Alexei Chumachenko