Students had a dry-run of their projects under the Start-Up as a Graduation Project federal programme at the SSU Boiling Point site. It is aimed at involving talented students in the development of the ecosystem of technological entrepreneurship, as well as supporting business at an early stage. The event was attended by 11 teams of SSU educational units.
Deputy Head of Priority Projects and Programmes Marina Zimina addressed to the students. ‘We expect that your projects will prove to be the best practices and will initiate the implementation of the federal programme at our university. The colleagues and representatives of the expert community will help you present your start-ups in a more detailed way. During the year, you will be able to improve your projects before final presentation.’
The meeting was attended by such experts as Doctor of Economics, an entrepreneur Dmitrii Udalov, Chair of the Department of Innovations Elena. Revzina, Dean of the Faculty of Economics Elena Ogurtsova, a graduate of the Institute of Philology and Journalism, a federal expert of the All-Russian competition of youth projects Sofia Tsyganova, and Director of the Centre for Business Communications Elena Mashinskaya.
The first project titled The Portrait of the Hometown was presented by the team of the Faculty of Pedagogical and Special Needs Education. Its goal is to influence spiritual and moral education of the pupils, and the project itself is an algorithm for the development of STEM, sociological, and cultural concepts. The game allows you to immerse yourself in the cultural and historical atmosphere of Saratov and get acquainted with the unique features of your hometown.
The team members of the Faculty of Sociology introduced the audience to an online platform for schools. The resource is designed to help pupils plan their educational route and develop those skills and competencies that will contribute to successful admission to university.
The Faculty of Economics presented a project on cosmetology targeted at creation of skin care products based on a natural mineral – glauconite. Another faculty project is aimed at creating a complex of laboratory workshops for the development of skills needed if you work with hardware and software microcontroller systems. The economists also shared the idea of creating unique interior and decor items made of epoxy resin.
As part of the presentation, the participants introduced experts to other interesting projects in education, medicine, agriculture, and business.
‘Participating in the programme, the university will have an opportunity to make preparation of graduation papers as start-ups more systematic. Thus, students will have a chance for self-fulfilment, including in business. The projects that fundamental scientists develop must be tested as business hypotheses and get to their potential consumers,’ Head of the SSU Boiling Point Centre Andrei Rytik explained.
The federal programme is based on annual events: trainings aimed at to develop projects and entrepreneurial competencies, soft and hard skills; a student accelerator; support in preparing applications for competitions to find funding; consultations of leading experts and constant support of teams at all stages of the project development.
The development and implementation of a training programme for applicants and university teaching staff in the preparation of start-ups as graduation projects is provided by the Digital Economy programme.
To remind, the SSU Boiling Point Centre became the winner in the grant competition targeted to develop the Business Boiling Point.