On May 30, the experts from the Social Centre arrived at Saratov University under the Priority 2030 programme of the Russian Ministry of Higher Education and Science. Their purpose is to analyse the university transformation within the programme and the effectiveness of communication the employees and the research groups involved in the programme.
The expert group includes the Deputy Director of the Institute of Problems of Chemical Physics of the RAS (Moscow) Evgenii Golosov, the Director of the “Smart Materials and Biomedical Applications” Research-to-Education Centre, BFU, (Kaliningrad) Valeria Rodionova, and the Deputy CEO for Research-to-Technology and Projects of the Experimental Plant of Scientific Engineering of RAS (Moscow) Alexander Veretennikov. In addition, the experts are joined by a member of the Commission of the Ministry of Higher Education and Science aimed at choosing Russian higher educational institutions to participate in the Priority 2030 strategic academic leadership programme, the Deputy Director of the Institute of Higher Nervous Activity and Neurophysiology of Russian Academy of Sciences, the Deputy Director for Research, and the Head of the Laboratory of Sensory Systems Physiology, Doctor of Biological Sciences (Moscow) Igor Bondar.
At first, the delegation got acquainted with the university management. The participants of the meeting discussed the directions of the Priority 2030 programme, found out about the history and current status of Saratov University, talked about the prospects for the university development as part of the region development as a whole.
The Vice-Rector for Research and Digital Development Aleksei Koronovskii spoke about the history of Saratov University, the establishment of new educational units, in particular, the Faculty of Fundamental Medicine and Medical Technologies opened last year. The Head of Priority Programmes Elena Yelina and the Director of the Institute of Continuing Professional Education Yurii Golub talked about the resources available to the region and the interaction of the industrial sector and the university in training personnel.
The members of the expert group commented on the programme of their visit and their tasks.
‘The Priority 2030 programme is aimed at the development and promotion of universities at the regional level. Its task is to make the educational institution change and improve. It is important that the results of the work will be evaluated and supported not only by federal experts, but also by regional authorities,’ Evgenii Golosov emphasised.
‘Our mission is to get acquainted with the activities of universities and learn to better understand the peculiarities of the university community, the content, and objectives of strategic projects,’ Igor Bondar explained.
During three days, the experts will check how the programme is implemented. It is planned to visit scientific laboratories and centres connected with the SSU strategic projects, to present the university development programme, attend a presentation of the experts of the Social Centre Federal State Institution on the Priority 2030 strategic academic leadership programme, and discuss the results of the working groups.