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Проректор по научной работе и цифровому развитию
Saratov State University, Saratov, 1995 г.
Идентификаторы в системах наукометрии: 
Thesis and academic degrees: 
, Complex Dynamics of Simple Radio Physical Systems with Piecewise Elements (Models, Computation and Full-scale Experiments), 1997 г.
Terminal degree in Physics and Mathematics , Synchronic Behavior, Complex Dynamics and Transient Processes in Self-oscillating Systems and Reference Models of Non-linear Oscillation Theory, 2007 г.
Academic title: 
Professor, RF Ministry of Education and Science, 2009 г.
Общий стаж: 
28 лет
Стаж по специальности: 
28 лет
Work experience: 
Assistant, Department of Electronics, Vibrations, and Waves, 1997 to 1999
Associate Professor , Department of Electronics, Vibrations, and Waves, 1999 to 2008
Professor, Department of Electronics, Vibrations, and Waves, 2008 to 2010
Professor, Department of Open Systems, 2010 to 2013
Head, Research Department, 2013 to 2014
Head, Office of Scientific Work, 2014 to 2016
Vice-Rector for Research Work
, с 2016 по н.в.
Other Administrative Positions: 

Koronovski, Aleksey Aleksandrovich graduated Saratov State University, Faculty of Physics (with honors) in 1995. In 1997, he started working as an Assistant and then, in 1999, as an Associate Professor of the Department of Electronics, Vibrations, and Waves. In 2000 he was a Deputy Dean for Educational Work of the Faculty of Non-linear Processes. In 2008 he became a Professor of the Department of Electronics, Vibrations, and Waves, then in 2010 – a Professor of the Department of Open Systems. In 2010-2013 Prof. Koronovski worked as a Deputy Dean for Educational Work of the Faculty of Non-linear Processes. He has been a Chair of the Department of Open Systems since January 2016.

Koronovski, A.A. has developed and teaches courses in Automatic Data Bases, Modern Problems of Natural Science – Non-linear Dynamics of Society, Dynamic Systems Theory, etc. He supervises diploma and course papers, Bachelor and Masters thesis. He has been a scientific advisor for 8 PhD students.

Honors and Awards: 
Letter of Acknowledgement from Chief Federal Inspector in Saratov Region Presidential Envoy in the Volga Federal District, 2014 г.
Winner of the “Dynasty” Fund competition among young doctors of science, 2011 г.
Certificate of Merit from Saratov Region Governor, 2009 г.
Winner of the “Dynasty” Fund competition among young doctors of science, 2005 г.
Certificate of Merit from Saratov Region Governor, 2005 г.
RAS Medal with a reward for young scientists, 2004 г.
Преподаваемые дисциплины: 
Теория динамических систем
Принципы построения и функционирования баз данных для научных исследований
Организация, управление, планирование и прогнозирование научных исследований
Анализ и поиск в больших базах данных
Main Publications: 

Koronovski, A.A. carries out theoretical and experimental research of non-linear systems, develops methods of analysis and modeling for dynamic systems. He has published over 250 scientific works in Russian and foreign journals like Physical Review Letters, Physical Review B, Physical Review E, Europhysics Letters, Physics of Plasmas, Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science, Physics Letters A, etc.

Information about scientific work available at:

  •     Research Laboratory of Nonlinear Phenomena website
  •     Web of Science
  •     Google Scholar


1) Wavelets in Neuroscience. Springer Heidelberg New York Dordrecht London, 2015. (with Hramov A.E., Makarov V.A., Pavlov A.N., Sitnikova E.Yu.)

2) Wavelets in Neurodynamics and Neurophysiology. Moscow. Fizmatlit. 2013. (with Hramov A.E., Makarov V.A., Pavlov A.N., Sitnikova E.Yu.)

3) Subterahertz Chaos Generation by Coupling a Superlattice to a Linear Resonator// Physical Review Letters. 112. 2014. (with Hramov A.E., Makarov V.V. Kurkin S. A., Gaifullin M.B., Alekseeva N.V., Alekseev K.N., Greenaway M.T., Fromhold T.M., Patanè A., Kusmartsev F.V., Maksimenko V.A., Moskalenko O.I., Balanov A.G.)

4) Microwave radiation power of relativistic electron beam with virtual cathode in the external magnetic field// Applied Physics Letters. 103. 2013. (with Kurkin S.A., Hramov A.E.)

5) Lyapunov stability of charge transport in miniband semiconductor superlattices// Phys. Rev. B. 88. 2013. (with Hramov A.E., Maksimenko V.A., Moskalenko O.I., Alekseev K.N., Greenaway M.T., Fromhold T.M., Balanov A.G.)

6) Inapplicability of an auxiliary-system approach to chaotic oscillators with mutual-type coupling and complex networks// Phys. Rev. E. 87. 2013. (with Moskalenko O.I., Hramov A.E.)

7) Computation of the spectrum of spatial Lyapunov exponents for the spatially extended beam-plasma systems and electron-wave devices// Physics of Plasmas. 19, 8. 2012. 082302, (with Hramov A.E., Maksimenko V.A., Moskalenko O.I.)

8) Effect of temperature on resonant electron transport through stochastic conduction channels in superlattices// Phys. Rev. B. 84. 2011. (with Selskii A.O., Hramov A.E., Moskalenko O.I., Alekseev K.N., Greenaway M.T., Wang F., Fromhold T.M., Shorokhov A.V., Khvastunov N.N., Balanov A.G.)

9) Ring intermittency near the boundary of the synchronous time scales of chaotic oscillators.// Phys. Rev. E. 83. 2011 (Zhuravlev M.O., Moskalenko O.I., Ovchinnikov A.A., Hramov A.E.)

10) Spike–wave discharges in WAG/Rij rats are preceded by delta and theta precursor activity in cortex and thalamus// Clinical Neurophysiology. 122, (2011) 687-695, (with van Luijtelaar G., Hramov A.E., Sitnikova E.Yu.)

Grants anf scientific projects: 
  1. Russian Scientific Fund 2014 competition “Basic Research and Exploratory Study by Scientific Groups”, project “Fundamental Aspects of Complex Cooperative Dynamics and Synchronization of Interacting Non-linear Systems and Their Application in Neuroscience” 2014-2016
  2. RF Ministry of Education and Science “Theoretical And Exploratory Study of Non-linear Phenomena, Random Lasing and Pattern Formation in Electronic Wave Active Media” “Electron Stream with Virtual Cathode”” 2014-2016
  3. Federal Target Program “Scientific and Teaching Personnel of Innovative Russia in 2009-2013”, event “Scientific Research by Scientific Groups Lead by a Doctor of Science”, project “Developing Methods of Analysis and Defining EEG Patterns Characteristic of Cognitive Processes to Create Brain-Computer Interfaces Reacting to Human Attention”. 2012-2013
  4. Federal Target Program “Scientific and Teaching Personnel of Innovative Russia in 2009-2013”, event “Scientific Research by Scientific Groups Lead by a Doctor of Science”, project “Chaotic Synchronization, Mechanisms of Its Definition and New Methods of Synchronized Dynamics Analysis in Intertwined Chaotic Systems” 2010-2012
  5. Russian Foundation for Basic Research, project “Synchronous Behavior of Intertwined Chaotic Oscillators, Non-linear Elements Networks and Space-distributed Self-oscillating Systems of Diverse Nature” 2012-2014
  6. Russian Foundation for Basic Research, project “Synchronous Modes and Alternate behavior in Complex Non-linear Elements Networks” 2007-2009
Additional information: 

A.A. Koronovsi has a rich experience of organizing scientific work. Since 1997 he has been an organization committee member of the following scientific schools: International Winter School-Workshop on Microwave Electronics and Radio Physics; International School “Chaotic Oscillations and Pattern Formation; Annual School “Non-linear Days for young People in Saratov” and others.

A.A. Koronovsi is a member of Scientific School on Non-Linear Dynamics and Electronics lead by Prof. D.I. Trubetskov. He is a scientific advisor and executioner of Russian and foreign scientific projects and grants including those of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, federal target programs, scientific programs of the Ministry of Education and Science, joint international program of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research and the Belarus Foundation for Basic Research, and many others.

Work as a guest researcher in scientific organizations:
1. Donders Center for Cognition, Radbout University, Nijmegen, the Netherlands – May 2013
2. Faculty of Physics, Loughborough University, Loughborough, the UK – June-July 2012
3. Faculty of Physics, Loughborough University, Loughborough, the UK – April-May 2011
4. Faculty of Physics, Loughborough University, Loughborough, the UK – November-December 2010
5. Faculty of Physics, Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, Physics and Plasma Lab, Haifa, Israel – September-November 2007
6. Faculty of Physics, Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, Physics and Plasma Lab, Haifa, Israel – November-December 2006

Member of editorial groups of scientific journals:
1. International Journal on Numerical and Analytical Methods in Engineering
2. SOP Transactions on Theoretical Physics

Public work:

A.A. Koronovsi is a member of Dissertation Committee D212.243.01, member of methodology group in Applied Mathematics and Physics; expert of  Association of Russian Classical Universities; reader of the following scientific journals: Physical Review Letters; Physical Review E; Chaos; Phys. Lett. A; Chaos, Solitons & Fractals; Izvestia Vuzov. Radio Physics; Izvestia Vuzov. Applied Non-linear Dynamics.