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Online Pedagogical Classroom Members Learned about Teacher’s Characteristics

28 October, 2021 - 12:14

Online Pedagogical Classroom Members Learned about Teacher’s Characteristics

Лариса Суворова
Елена Елина

On October 27, the first lesson of the SSU online pedagogical classroom took place. More than 100 high school students from Saratov and Saratov Region, who became interested in teaching, joined the ZOOM online conference. The event was moderated by the project curator, Head of SSU Priority Projects and Programmes, Professor Elena Yelina.

The meeting was opened by Rector of Saratov University Aleksei Chumachenko. ‘This project is extremely important for us, since SSU is the only university in the region that provides teaching education. A good teacher for us is also a good enrollee. If teachers prepare strong schoolchildren, our enrollees will be able to complete all our courses at a high level. In this online classroom, we will try to promote love for teaching. I wish you patience, because a new idea requires strength and interest, because if you are imbued with our idea, then it will be successful.’

Professor Elena Yelina instructed the participants on the project format and the possibilities of a special telegram-chat, where the students were able to quickly communicate with the mentors. She reminded the participants about the dialogue skill and emphasised that the project moderators were always open for fruitful communication. The professor spoke about the huge range of pedagogical curriculums at SSU as well as the possibilities of training at all levels of education and described the versatile work of the university in this area. ‘The university is actively engaged not only in classroom, but also in extracurricular work, provides opportunities for the individual development of students. In particular, the Step into the Profession annual competition is held.’

Elena Yelina underlined that the master's degree in pedagogy is popular not only among graduates but also among practicing teachers in the region. ‘It is very interesting for us to contact with acting teachers. We must not only be aware of what is happening at school but also know what is happening to the students – what they feel and what they think. We are going to share these observations and knowledge with you.’

Elena Yelina also commented SSU is developing pedagogical education as it is now receiving an additional impetus due to the fact that the university was included into the list in the Priority-2030 federal programme. The SSU programme is based on five strategic projects. Four of them have, first of all, a scientific output and are associated with the priority university research as well as digitalisation in a broad sense. The fifth project – in teaching education – has an important social significance. The plans include projects on continuing education of teachers (to remind, SSU has the status of a federal innovative venue with the Centre for Research and Methodology Support of Young Teachers project), the emergence of new services to support teachers, the establishment of a school club for teachers as well as the idea development ​​a pedagogical classroom. Due to the SSU inclusion into the Priority-2030 programme the participation in the online classroom is free for schoolchildren.

Dean of the Faculty of Pedagogical and Special Needs Education Rail Shamionov shared his emotions and thought about the image of a modern teacher. His candid observations about the profession showed his caring view of the issues and joys of the teaching community.

‘A teacher is a way to extend yourself in other people, become better than you are and necessary for someone, a way to develop your personality. We teach students to accept another person as a value, understand that nobody can be remade to suit their needs. A teacher is someone who is able to be there not only and not so much when you are successful but precisely when you are wrong. The tragedy of education is that teachers and parents see you in the future, often do not notice your current desires, sometimes sufferings, but it is this vision of them that sets you guidelines for development. This, probably, is the Teacher's mission – foreseeing the student's success,’ Rail Shamionov noted.

Olga Prozorova, a specialist on methodology at the SSU Centre for Talented Children, continued reflecting on the profession of a teacher. ‘We are starting an amazing project. We have gathered here to take a closer look at ourselves. We will not just receive information but try to understand that education is the basis for human life. A joyful, independent, fulfilled, happy life. Teachers are creative people who feel their freedom.’ She offered the schoolchildren to continue the phrases: ‘I would not want to be a teacher who ...’ and ‘I would like to become a teacher who ...’. The involvement of the participants in the dialogue, their stories, caring attitude to the teacher's work, their frank look proved that the idea of ​​creating a pedagocial grade found a warm response among the enrollees. At the end of the introductory lecture Olga Prozorova gave the students their first homework assignment.

The next virtual lesson will take place on November 10 at 3.30 p.m. We remind you that the meetings are held twice a month from October to May. Based on the results of the final testing, the project participants will receive certificates, and the best graduates will receive recommendations for targeted training in pedagogical courses.

To emphasise, the project of a virtual pedagogical classroom has many prerequisites and meets the needs of society and time. ‘As the only university in the region that prepares teachers, we are aware of work in this direction as an obligatory part of our mission to provide the region with teaching staff. The Ministry of Education of Saratov Region together with Saratov University have developed a plan to eliminate the shortage of teaching staff in the region. There are many projects in it, including early profiling of schoolchildren who think about their professional future. In this respect, the project of a virtual pedagogical classroom can be called a response to the social order of the region,’ the project curator, Head of Priority Projects and Programmes, Professor Elena Yelina noted.

In Saratov Region, there are already several psychological and pedagogical grades in different schools. They are taught by school teachers and psychologists. The university project will give a new development to this idea. ‘SSU teaching staff who work in pedagogical education will conduct classes from the standpoint of modern science, using modern approaches, relying on their own teaching and scientific experience. We want to give this work the consistency inherent in university education, add a certain academic charm. In addition, we plan to attract young SSU graduate teachers who will be able to share their experience,’ Professor Elena Yelina commented. It is interesting that not only high school students but also teachers of Saratov Region became interested in the pedagogical classroom.