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Academic Council of Institute of Chemistry Dedicated to its 90th and SSU 110th Anniversaries

29 October, 2019 - 12:52

Academic Council of Institute of Chemistry Dedicated to its 90th and SSU 110th Anniversaries

Светлана Киселева
Виктория Викторова

The SSU Institute of Chemistry celebrated its 90th anniversary. SSU Bldg. X hosted the ceremonial meeting of the institute Academic Council devoted to this event and the 110th anniversary of the university.

The meeting guests and participants watched the film about the institute and learnt about every department, their key achievements, research, followed traditions, and the institute potential.

Honoured guests congratulated the SSU Institute of Chemistry. Thus, Vice-Rector for Research Work Aleksei A. Koronovskii was one of them and congratulated the institute staff on behalf of SSU Rector Aleksei N. Chumachenko.

‘The faculty played an important role in the development of Saratov University. During 90 years the faculty established and has been developing the tradition of the genuine university education. The scientific schools have been growing, the world-class study has been conducted here, and due to it the university has become famous all over the world. Today the Institute of Chemistry is a big research and education centre where students acquire practical skills in chemistry. The fine future of the institute depends on the high-qualified scientific personnel, brilliant experiment research results, and ambitious young scientists,’ Professor Aleksei Koronovskii read the congratulatory address of the rector.

Also at the meeting the institute staff members were awarded with letters of appreciation from the Ministry of Manufacturing and Energy of the Saratov Region, the Ministry of Education of the Saratov Region, and the administration of the Kirovskii District of Saratov.

On behalf of the Government of the Saratov Region the institute was congratulated by First Deputy Minister of Manufacturing and Energy Vladimir S. Belgorodskii. He read the members of the Academic Council the congratulatory address from Vice-Governor, Chair of the regional Government Alexander M. Strelyukhin.

‘The SSU Institute of Chemistry has contributed a lot into the development of the Russian education and science. Distinguished researchers, famous graduates, and high results are connected with the university. High-qualified specialists get profound knowledge due to the great intelligent potential and the unique research done here,’ was written in the address.

Vice-Governor hoped that all the institute graduates and staff members would prove they made the right choice achieving their goals.

Director of the institute Olga V. Fedotova reminded about the generation legacy. She remembered the members of the staff who have taught a few generations of chemists.

‘We have long-livers and we want to remind you today that our teachers are here. The teachers live with their students. One of the most important reactions in science is the chain reaction, and in our institute it is represented by the generation legacy,’ said Olga Fedotova.

She reminded about Sofia B. Pirkes who will celebrate her 100th birthday in November, Arlen L. Livov who turned 90 in spring, and Adel P. Krivenko who is still working at university.

Moreover, the audience watched the congratulatory video from a member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Chair of Analytical Chemistry Division of the Department of Chemistry, Lomonosov Moscow State University Yurii A. Zolotov. Also the colleagues were congratulated by Professor Sergei Yu. Shchegolev and Professor Larisa Yu. Matora from the SSU Institute of Biochemistry and Physiology of Plants and Microorganisms as well as chemists from Saratov State Technical University.

The institute was thanked by its graduates who work in big manufacturing companies – Saratov Oil Refinery, M-I SWACO (one of the biggest international oil service companies), and Bioamid.

The institute graduates are highly-demanded in the labour market. They find jobs easily because every year the institute organises more than 20 meetings with employers. One of the graduates is a teacher of chemistry Victoria O. Romanova, who became one of the super finalists of the Teacher of Russia Contest. The institute get grants to implement its projects, conducts world-class research in well-equipped laboratories.
