On 25 December the honour board was ceremonially opened in SSU Bldg. X. commemorating the best university students in studies, arts, volunteering, sports, self-management, and media.
The top students and activists were congratulated by Rector Aleksei N. Chumachenko, Vice-Rector for Youth Policy and Organisational Work Anton V. Golovchenko, and Head of the Office of Student Educational Work and Youth Programmes Georgii I. Bolotov.
Aleksei Chumachenko thanked the students for their achievements in research and other spheres and marked that Minister of Science and Higher Education Mikhail M. Kotyukov had been satisfied with his visit to our university. According to the rector, the minister had spoken with respect about the students who had participated in the meeting devoted to the SSU anniversary. In his opinion, the students-pedagogues had been the most active there.
‘I would like to thank you for an opportunity to get high marks together with you as your achievements prove the effectiveness of our work. I congratulate you on the coming university anniversary and New Year! Let the holiday in your honour today become a new start for you, let you be more cheerful and successful,’ concluded the rector.
On behalf of the students the speech was given by a 4th-year student of the Institute of Chemistry, Chair of the SSU Undergraduate and Graduate Council Denis Yashin. He thanked the university administration for the kind words and in-depth support and promised that the students whose photos were put up on the honour board would uphold the honour of the university in all spheres.