On 24 September Saratov University hosted the opening ceremony of the XXIII International School for Junior Scientists and Students on Optics, Laser Physics & Biophotonics. Almost 450 people from Russian and other countries participate there.
The guests were welcomed by Professor, Chair of the Department of Optics and Biophotonics Valerii V. Tuchin. He highlighted that the reporters had come from so many countries and regions and marked the up-to-date character of the research topics.
‘Surely, our cooperation during the forum will be productive. We will discuss not only innovative methods of Russian and international colleagues but mutual implementation of projects in overlapping research fields,’ pointed out Valerii Tuchin.
The LAB-Medical Devices for Porphyria-Screening, Fe-Deficiency and Beyond report was delivered by Chair of LIFE-Center at the Department of Urology, the Hospital of University of Munich.
The speaker commented on testing methods of a rare genetic disease, namely porphyria, which is connected with metabolic disorder caused by ferment deficiency in heme biosynthesis. Depending on the type of ferment deficiency different kinds of porphyrins and heme precursors are accumulated in red blood cells, liver, and blood plasma. Together with chromatographic methods a rapid screening test is necessary so that this disease can be immediately found in the body and the patients can be cured. In this case the fluorescence spectrographic analysis is done using blood plasma and the model material which imitates porphyried blood plasma. The research goal is develop rapid screening test method to detect different kinds of porphyrins. It can become an important tool to diagnose the disease and cure it rapidly.
The next to deliver a speech was Fellow Researcher of the Nanobiotechnology Laboratory, the Institute of Biochemistry and Physiology of Plants and Microorganisms of the RAS, Head of a youth grant of Russian Science Foundation Timofei Ye. Pylayev. His report was titled the Plasmonic Layers Mediated Cell Optoporation System for Effective Intracellular Delivery of Biomolecules: Challenges and Perspectives, and there the researcher reviewed the modern intercellular biomolecule delivery systems. Also he presented the results of his research aimed to develop a new gene delivery system into animal cells using monolayered golden nanoparticles and infrared laser irradiation.
One of the speakers at the plenary session was a scholar from Germany (Becker & Hickl GmbH) Wolfgang Becker. He described the metabolic imaging by simultaneous FLIM of NAD(P)H and FAD. In its turn, the system is based on the FLIM DCS-120 bh system. The images are single-photonically excited using picosecond diode lasers, then they are mirror-scanned by the electric meter, detected confocally, and recorded on two TCSPC FLIM parallel lines.
During the second part of the plenary session a researcher from University of Texas Medical Branch Renat O. Yesenaliyev presented his report titled the Biomedical Optoacoustics: A New Theranostic Modality, and Professor of Baylor College of Medicine Irina V. Larina delivered her report titled the Optical Coherence Tomography and Optogenetics for Investigation of Early Mammalian Embryonic Development. On the first day of the forum, 23 September, Irina Larina conducted a short lecture course titled the Functional Optical Imaging of Developmental Dynamics in vivo.
A representative of Sergei Sokolov (Inject Ltd.) gave a report titled the Modern Semiconductor Lasers Manufactured by INJECT RME LLC and Prospects for Their Application, Olga Bibikova (art photonics, GmbH) delivered a report titled the Fiber Optic Solutions for Broad Spectral Range 0.3-16 um, and Dmitrii Chernykh (Avesta Ltd.) spoke about his project the Application of Femtosecond Lasers in Biophysics and Physical Medicine: a Review.
Other forum events will be held, including the 4th School on ADFLIM (Advanced Fluorescence Imaging Methods) and VII Symposium on Optics & Biophotonics.
The event moderators are Saratov State University; the Institute of Biochemistry and Physiology of Plants and Microorganisms of the RAS; the Institute of Precision Mechanics and Control Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Saratov State Medical University; Tomsk State University; the Biomedical Photonics Committee of the Chinese Optical Society; the University of Oulu; the International Society for Optics and Photonics (SPIE); the Optical Society (OSA); the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).