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100th Anniversary of Pedagogical Higher Education in the Region Celebrated in SSU

29 March, 2019 - 16:45

100th Anniversary of Pedagogical Higher Education in the Region Celebrated in SSU

Тамара Корнева
Виктория Викторова
Киностудия СГУ

On March 29 in Bldg. X the ceremony meeting of the SSU Academic Council became the last event within the Pedagogical Education Week Festival. The ceremony members noted that the event was marvellous as its moderators used their talents and inspiration. The meeting hosts were Head of SSU Priority Projects and Programmes E.G. Yelina and Vice-Rector for Educational Work I.G. Malinskii. The audience enjoyed performances of the Institute of Arts choir and children from the Stomp-Stomp Pre-School Academy headed by Olga Prozorova.

E.G. Yelina marked the importance of the meeting.

‘Today we celebrate the 100th anniversary of higher pedagogical education in Saratov University and the Saratov Region. Many people are connected with this holiday because all of us are either teachers or university professors or school children or students.’

The ceremony began with the video about the Pedagogical Education Week in SSU which consisted of discussions, master-classes, the pedagogical olympiad, and the Entering the Profession contest. There our students discussed perspectives of school education together with school teachers and university professors.

Then the meeting members were welcomed by SSU Rector A.N. Chumachenko.

‘Organised by Saratov University the Pedagogical Education Week Festival has become the unique platform to discuss the most urgent issues and most modern Russian teaching approaches. The university staff has always focused on pedagogical education. Saratov University is the only higher education institution in the region to prepare teachers. We have come a long way until we have formed the modern system of university pedagogical education, and this system guarantees high quality of pedagogues, which was noted by accreditation experts in 2017.’

Deputy Chair of the Government of the Saratov Region V.V. Grechushkina pointed out that she received her first higher education diploma in Saratov Pedagogical Institute. Also Governor of the Saratov Region V.V. Radayev sent a congratulatory address, where he highlighted that ‘this anniversary proves the importance of teachers’ work and shows that a few generations of Saratov university professors have worked devotedly’.

Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, Deputy Chair of the SSU Board of Trustees O.Yu. Batalina congratulated the audience on the anniversary, too, and added that there are not so many strong research and educational schools like in the Saratov region.

‘The 110th anniversary of Saratov University and the 100th anniversary of higher pedagogical education are intertwined. Teaching requirements have changed, and all of us must enable teachers to be creative.’

Besides, a congratulatory address was sent by Deputy of the State Duma, Head of the Saratov Region Division of the United Russia political party.

The audience listened to a report on pedagogical education in the region delivered by Associate Professor of the Department of National History and Historiography V.V. Khasin.

Deputy Minister of Education of the Saratov Region L.A. Grigoryeva awarded SSU academic staff with letters of appreciation of the Ministry of Education of the Saratov Region. The pedagogues were welcomed by Chair of the Education Committee of the Administration of the Saratov City Municipal Structure L.A. Revutskaya.

I.G. Malinskii underlined the university is proud to cooperate for many years with one of the biggest education centres in the country and showed the congratulatory video from Vice-Rector of the Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Education L.A. Tsvetkova.

One minute of silence was announced in honour of professors and members of the staff of Pedagogical Institute, the people who created the university pedagogy.

SSU is alma mater for pedagogues who now work all around the world. Many years ago there existed the Uzbek Department at the Faculty of Russian Philology in Pedagogical Institute, where people from Uzbekistan studied to be teachers of Russian in Uzbek schools. The meeting members were surprised to see Dean of the Faculty of Russian Philology of Termez State University, a graduate of Pedagogical Institute P.U. Bakirov, who had come to Saratov to congratulate SSU on the anniversary.

Many honoured guests visited the meeting, including Deputy Head of the Administration of the Ozinki Municipal District A.S. Maksakova.

The event hosts marked that it was Saratov University to first open corporate departments in schools in Russia. Today we have 4 departments like that. And the audience was congratulated by Chair of the Corporate Department of Russian Philology and Media Education O.I. Dmitriyeva.

Annually, school children from Medicine and Biology Lyceum participate in the Pedagogical Education Week Festival. Its Principal T.Ya. Syromolotova, a graduate of Saratov University, performed on stage with her school children to congratulate the university.

Physics and Technology Lyceum has been connected with Saratov University for many years, and due to that cooperation the lyceum was founded more than 50 years ago. Nowadays there is one corporate department there, and its graduates are welcomed to enter SSU faculties and institutes. Therefore, Principal, Honoured Teacher of the Russian Federation, member of the teaching staff and lyceum students congratulated the event participants.

Dean of the Faculty of Pedagogical and Special Needs Education P.M. Shamionov spoke in details about the work of his faculty. The number of courses has tripled recently. Moreover, the dean highlighted the importance of the SSU Research-to-Methodology Council in Pedagogy Education aimed to develop new curriculums.

At the end of the event there were announced the winners of the XV All-Russian Entering the Profession Contest. They were awarded by Deputy Head of Office of Social Work M.I. Kabanova, Associate Professor of the Department of Education Methodology M.N. Burmistrova, and Director of the Coordinating Centre for Endowed Children and Talented Youth (Moscow Region State University) O.S. Puchkova. According to the contest results, Natalya Shirenina and Anna Sazhneva shared the 3rd place, the 2nd position was given to Daria Generalova, and the winner became Elena Burlakova.

Also Chair of the Saratov Region Labour Union of Education and Research Workers of the Russian Federation N.N. Timofeyev awarded Head of Priority Projects and Programmes, Professor E.G. Yelina with a letter of appreciation of the All-Russian Labour Union.

Finally, Scientific Supervisor of the Institute of Philology and Journalism, Chair of the Department of Literary Studies and Journalism V.V. Prozorov recited a poem ‘To Teachers’ by R. Rozhdestvensky, and it was very remarkable.