In April, it became known about the inclusion of Saratov University journals "Genres of Speech" and "News of Universities. Applied Nonlinear Dynamics" in the collection of the best Russian journals on the Web of Science platform – Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI).
Included in the list of scientific and technical journal "Izvestiya vuzov. Applied Nonlinear Dynamics" is an original interdisciplinary publication with a broad focus. It is included in the List of HAC and indexed by SCOPUS. Another journal included in the database, Genres of Speech, publishes the most significant research results on general theoretical problems of genre studies and specific speech genres. The journal is included in the list of the Higher Attestation Commission.
It is worth noting that 237 magazines claimed a place in the list of the best. But the experts selected only 74 applications. Previously, the database already included 3 journals of the university: "News of Saratov University. A new series. The series “Mathematics. Mechanics. Informatics"", "Volga Ecological Journal" and "Modern Herpetology". A total of 792 best Russian scientific publications are currently listed in RSCI.
RSCI has been formed since 2014. Unlike the RSCI database, which indexes more than 4,000 Russian journals and aims to cover all publications of Russian scientists as fully as possible, RSCI selects only the best Russian publications. For a journal, an author, or a scientific organization, this is a special criterion for the level and quality of scientific research.
The placement of the Russian Science citation index on the Web of Science platform and the identification of mutual citations between publications in the Web of Science and RSCI can significantly improve the visibility of Russian scientific journals in the international information space, which is especially important for social sciences and humanities.