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Lecture Hall named after Yurii Sklyarov Opened at Faculty of Geography, SSU

12 April, 2023 - 10:00

Lecture Hall named after Yurii Sklyarov Opened at Faculty of Geography, SSU

Даниил Пронин
Виктория Викторова

On the eve of Cosmonautics Day on April 11, the opening of the lecture hall named after Professor Yurii Sklyarov took place at the Faculty of Geography, SSU.

Yuri Andreevich is a talented designer of instruments for measuring solar radiation, a great teacher and popularizer of science. Yu.A. Sklyarov has devoted more than 50 years to scientific research in the field of astronomy, meteorology and climatology. The scientific works and textbooks written by him became the basis for the training of future meteorologists and geographers. Yuri Andreevich, in addition to scientific work, was engaged in huge educational and social activities.

Everyone who was personally acquainted with Yuri Andreevich and whose life was connected with the fate of the outstanding researcher gathered in the updated classroom No. 30 of the IV building of SSU. The children and grandchildren of Yu.A. Sklyarov came to the opening: his daughter Elena Yuryevna, granddaughter Zhanna and great-grandson Yuri.

It is significant that exactly 39 years ago on this day, Yu.A. Sklyarov defended his doctoral dissertation in technical sciences at the Main Geophysical Observatory named after A.I. Voeikov in St. Petersburg.

Several generations of university scientists spoke to the audience and shared their stories about working with Yuri Andreevich.

Vice-Rector for Research and Digital Development Aleksei Koronovskii noted the importance of academic continuity: "Yuri Andreevich spent his whole life at the university and left a bright mark in the history of the university. For a long time, Yu.A. Sklyarov was the first vice-rector of SSU, doing difficult administrative work. I am sure that the memory of Yuri Andreevich will never fade. Every new generation of students who come to study in this classroom will cherish the memory of the great scientist."

Dean of the Faculty of Geography Vladimir Makarov spoke about the serious role of faculty teachers in preparing the audience for the celebration: "It is significant that today we are opening a named audience on a magnificent and bright sunny day, because Yuri Andreevich devoted his entire scientific life to the study of solar radiation. This is the second named auditorium in our building, it was created thanks to the great efforts of teachers of the Department of Meteorology and Climatology, which was headed by Yu.A. Sklyarov for 30 years. He was an outstanding man in every way. I have the warmest feelings and memories towards him."

Chair of the Department of Meteorology and Climatology Maksim Chervyakov became the last graduate student of Yu.A. Sklyarov. Maxim Yurievich told how he remembered his supervisor: "Yuri Andreevich felt responsible for all the people who surrounded him. He instilled this approach in his students as well. His academic, cathedral and laboratory staff always came to him for advice and knew that Yuri Andreevich could be counted on. There is not a single person who would not have defended his PhD thesis after studying in graduate school with Yuri Andreevich."

Associate Professor of the Department of Meteorology and Climatology Seraphima Lapina shared valuable life stories about working with Yu.A. Sklyarov: "We are very happy to open his name to the audience. Yuri Andreevich is a unique personality, he was able to communicate with people and could find an approach for everyone. We remember this man, our mutual friend, whenever possible."

S.N. Lapina recalled how Yuri Andreevich was the chairman of the Council of Veterans of Saratov University: "With the arrival of Yu.A. Sklyarov in 2001, work in the veteran organization reached a completely new level. Among the initiatives of Yuri Andreevich is the active assistance and support of the members of the Council of Veterans. So, he always tried to find the means to financially support the participants of the organization. It is very valuable that he managed to lead an active scientific and social life."

The daughter of Yu.A. Sklyarov, a former senior lecturer at the Department of the English Language and Intercultural Communication Elena Sklyarova, told about the warm memories she keeps about her father: "Yuri Andreevich always found time to engage in my upbringing and teach me English, being a very busy scientist. All his acquaintances said that he was a very punctual and responsible person. Thank you so much that the university remembers my dear dad."

Archival documents and photographs related to the activities of Yu.A. Sklyarov were collected in the auditorium by the staff of the Department of Meteorology and Climatology.

Many materials for the exhibition were collected by Head of the Educational Laboratory of Meteorology Elena Demidova. As M.Y. Chervyakov noted, his colleagues at the department have big plans ahead to preserve the scientific heritage of Yu.A. Sklyarov. These include the creation of a collection of all bibliographic publications and research articles by Yuri Andreevich.

Among the exhibits, which were studied with interest by teachers and students, there were educational and methodological literature, author's certificates, awards and commendations, publications from newspapers, correspondence of the professor with leading scientists of the world, drawings of various equipment, as well as a halo actinometer. Colorful posters illustrating modern methods of space research are placed on the walls of the nominal auditorium.

At the end of the meeting, the participants exchanged memories of Yu.A. Sklyarov and took memorable photos.