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Institute of Distant Learning

Institute of Distant Learning

410012, г. Саратов, ул. Московская, 161, корпус 6, каб. 214
Phone number: 
+7 (8452) 21 - 07 - 91
+7 (8452) 50 - 90 - 78

Institute management

Short description: 

Система дистанционного образования (СДО) на платформе Ipsilon – собственное уникальное программное решение Института электронного и дистанционного обучения Саратовского государственного университета. Система дистанционного образования дает возможность любому желающему получить качественное образование различного уровня. Внедрение системы дистанционного образования (ДО) в Саратовском университете началось в 2008 году, когда сеть представительств СГУ не имела возможности больше существовать в первозданном виде в связи с изменениями в законодательстве РФ. В настоящее время СДО становится как никогда актуальной в связи с вступлением в силу Федерального закона № 273-ФЗ от 29 декабря 2012 года «Об образовании в Российской Федерации». СДО на платформе Ipsilon дает возможность преподавателю общаться со студентами и во время занятий, и в часы консультаций, используя систему видеоконференций, создавать и редактировать учебно-методические материалы. Ipsilon - виртуальный вариант привычного образовательного процесса. Создается полная иллюзия аудиторных занятий, когда студенты могут общаться не только с преподавателем, но и друг с другом. Особенно это важно для людей с ограниченными возможностями здоровья.

Production and Services

The service is provided for legal entities to conduct qualification upgrade courses and staff retraining.
In 2008, SSU launched its own platform of distance education system "Ipsilon". Developed by SSU programmers, it allows to find solutions on a region level. The platform is based on the appliсation program "Ipsilon-Web".
«Ipsilon-Web» is a social educational platform with web interface aimed on becoming "the habitat" of students and provide for them all necessary tools for education and communication.  

It includes following subsystems:
• working with educational courses and tests;
• messaging system for teachers, students and administrators; с
• educational forums and chats;
• the system of grade points distribution between modules and practical classes for teachers' educational courses;
• the system of students' raiting calculation;
• the system of notifications and events for teachers and students;
• the system of events for communicationg latest information to students and teachers;
• the system of reporting of all students' and teachers' actions on the educational website;
• additional functions of monitoring educational process for administrators, etc.

The program has a Certificate of State Registration of a ECM program issued by Russian Federation Federal Service for Intellectual Property, Patents and Trademarks.
The social and educational platform with web interface "Ipsilon-Web" is accessed as per license agreements.
Combination of educational website work and videoconferencing service (with the additional license afreement) is possible.
The service is provided for both legal entities and natural persons.  Videoconferencing is conducted by "Ipsilon-Video" videoconferencing system that is a part of SSU "Ipsilon" distance education system. The program has a Certificate of State Registration of a ECM program issued by Russian Federation Federal Service for Intellectual Property, Patents and Trademarks.
  • browser with installed Adobe Flash Player 11.1 (or upper versions);
  • Internet connection speed no less than 512 Kbit/s (preferably no less than 1 Mbit/s);
  • web camera/microphone for video feed.

Access to videoconferencing system is provided as per license agreements.


The service is provided for legal entities to conduct qualification upgrade courses and staff retraining.

In 2008, SSU launched its platform of distance education system "Ipsilon". Developed by SSU programmers, it allows to find solutions on a region level. The platform is based on the appliсation program "Ipsilon-Web".

«Ipsilon-Web» is a social educational platform with web interface aimed on becoming "the habitat" of students and provide for them all necessary tools for education and communication.  

It includes following subsystems:

• working with educational courses and tests;
• messaging system for teachers, students and administrators; с
• educational forums and chats;
• the system of grade points distribution between modules and practical classes for teachers' educational courses;
• the system of students' raiting calculation;
• the system of notifications and events for teachers and students;
• the system of events for communicationg latest information to students and teachers;
• the system of reporting of all students' and teachers' actions on the educational website;
• additional functions of monitoring educational process for administrators, etc.

The program has a Certificate of State Registration of a ECM program issued by Russian Federation Federal Service for Intellectual Property, Patents and Trademarks.
The social and educational platform with web interface "Ipsilon-Web" is accessed as per license agreements.
Combination of educational website work and videoconferencing service (with the additional license afreement) is possible.