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SSU to Change Over to Digital Document Management

29 December, 2022 - 15:20

SSU to Change Over to Digital Document Management

Даниил Пронин
Дмитрий Ковшов

Saratov University has taken another step towards digitalisation. From January 2023, six educational units of the university will change over to fully digital document management of academic affairs – from accounting for students and conducting orders to issuing certificates and preparing diplomas. Seven types of orders for academic affairs will be prepared in the 1C: University programme.

SSU is transforming digitally under the Priority 2030 programme. One of the main areas is digitalisation of key business affairs. The university has long commissioned the 1C: University and 1C: Document Management systems, and now has implemented seamless integration of these systems for complete paperless processes of preparation and approval of the most frequent orders: transfer, expulsion, and re-admission of students, change of surnames, issuance of certificates, and others. Now, due to the integration carried out, the approval and signing of the documents at all stages will be carried out digitally.

The units participating in the experiment included the Institute of Physics, the Institute of Chemistry, the Faculties of Fundamental Medicine and Medical Technologies, Foreign Languages and Language Teaching Methods, Computer Science and Information Technologies, and Mathematics and Mechanics.

On December 28, Rector Aleksei Chumachenko met with the staff of the university units responsible for the implementation of various stages in the SSU digital transformation project. At the meeting, it was demonstrated how the system worked. The specialists of the Office of Digital and Information Technologies, SSU, answered the questions of the meeting participants. Together, they sorted out the entire cycle of electronic documents – from the very beginning at the faculty or institute to signing by the vice-rector and commencement.

Deputy Director for Academic Affairs of the Institute of Physics Asel Adilova spoke about the transition to electronic document management. ‘We have been participating in an experiment on the transition to digital management of academic affairs since September 2021. We made the first semester order already in December last year. In practice, electronic document management minimises the number of errors in documents, facilitates the work of a structural unit, allows you to spend less time drawing up an order, since all information is collected on the basis of up-to-date information about students. The transition to digital document management at the institute allowed us to have up-to-date information on the basis of which analytical reports can be made. Due to electronic document management, it will become easier to sing orders and some of the paperwork will be taken off from the employees of the directorate.’

It is planned to switch to digital document management of all academic affairs.