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SSU Students and Employees Joined Immortal Regiment

10 May, 2022 - 15:10

SSU Students and Employees Joined Immortal Regiment

Аэлита Пономарёва
Виктория Викторова
Дмитрий Ковшов
Светлана Артамонова

On May 9, the Immortal Regiment nationwide project was held, where SSU students and employees took part. After two years of restrictions due to the pandemic, the long-awaited procession was held traditionally.

During the construction of the column at SSU Bldg. X, the Student Club set the mood with a concert programme. The students and the members of the SSU Vocal Ensemble sang songs of the war years. The audience recognising their beloved songs sang along and applauded.

The event members enjoyed singing and dancing. Anatoliy Timofeev's ensemble of modern choreography – The ArT-mix – presented performances that reflected the multinationality and cultural diversity of Russia.

At the intersection of Astrakhanskaya and Moscowskaya streets, the Immortal Regiment column began its movement to the melodic sounds of the orchestra. The participants carefully carried portraits of their relatives who brought the Victory closer on the battlefield and in the rear, portraits of the fallen heroes of the Great Patriotic War, great-grandfathers and grandfathers who brought peace for the next generations. People shared their joy and sang songs – Smuglyanka, Katyusha, Blue Handkerchief, and enthusiastically shouted ‘Hurrah!’.

The procession was attended by the Rector of Saratov University Aleksei Chumachenko, vice-rectors, employees, teaching staff members, and students of Saratov University.

He noted the special energy of the Immortal Regiment. ‘The idea of ​​the project came not from above but from below, that is, it was completely created by volunteers. Everyone comes of their own free will and shares their emotions. Look at the faces of the participants in the procession – all of them are joyful because they remember. And if we remember, then our departed relatives are alive in our hearts, and, on this day, they are with us.’

According to the rector, the Russian soldiers who are now taking part in the military special operation will also learn about the march of the Immortal Regiment, and, he is sure, this will raise their morale.

The procession traditionally ended at Theatre Square, where the citizens were greeted by the Light of the Great Victory! concert. The members of the SSU Student Club also participated there. In total, according to the organisers, more than 120 thousand people came to the Immortal Regiment in Saratov this year.