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First All-Russia Geographical Dictation at SSU

2 November, 2015 - 10:15

First All-Russia Geographical Dictation at SSU

Алина Желудкова
Геннадий Савкин

On November 1, Saratov citizens tested their knowledge of geography at Saratov State University.

The idea of the campaign came from the Chair of Russian Geographical Society Board of Trustees, Russian President V.V. Putin at the XV RGS meeting in 2014. Russian Geographical Society got lots of applications and that shows public interest. The test was designed by Lomonoson Moscow State University and Moscow Pedagogical University specialists. Saratov event was supervised by the local RGS branch chaired by SSU Faculty of Geography Dean, Prof. V.Z. Makarov.

Geographical knowledge test started at 12:15; at 1 p.m. the papers were handed in. every participant got an identification number to receive the test results later.

Vice-rector for educational and organizational work I.G. Malinski opened the official ceremony welcoming the guests and participants. He noticed that this is the first time the campaign is held all across Russia. SSU has become the center of the RGS regional branch, so the dictation took place here.

Chair of Saratov Region Government M.V. Goremyko took the word. November, 1 was declared a national day of mourning for the victims of airplane crash in Egypt. M.V. Goremyko declared a moment of silence. Then he thanked the guests and participants for their support and highlighted how important it is for everyone to know their country. He hoped the Dictation would promote the interest in geography. M.V. Goremyko thanked SSU for organizing the event.

SSU Faculty of Geography Dean, Prof. V.Z. Makarov shared his feelings: “We are happy that geography is now of interest for our government and society”. He hoped the campaign would further promote the discipline and RGS. For the last couple of weeks, RGS Saratov branch received lots of applications.

Many university and school students as well as retired people tested their knowledge. Members of the regional government and journalists also participated. University representatives participated, too. I.G. Malinski shared his impressions afterwards: “There is a wide range of questions. Sometimes it is enough to remember a map, sometimes you have to be street smart”. The Vice Rector added he was not sure in all his answers but was really glad that some just came to mind – from journeys and reading.

M.V. Goremyko admitted he had not answered several questions and would like to find the right answers on the Internet.

However, most of younger participants were 100% sure in their answers. Vladislav Krestinin, Medicine and Biology Lyceum student said the Dictation was easy. Ilya Molchanov, SSU Faculty of Geography graduate was of the same opinion: “I graduated two years ago, my knowledge is still fresh and the questions were quite easy”.

After the dictation, the guests heard a lecture by a famous mountaineer, member of the Russian Geographical Society S.G. Bogomolov. He talked about his favorite mountains, about mountain climbing as sport in Russia and about peaks he plans to climb.

Test results will be available at on December, 10.