Saratov State University hosts the round table “Designing the project of social and economic development of Saratov Region to 2030” which united representatives of the regional government, science and public.
The event is organized by the Faculty of Sociology and Faculty of Economics. SSU scientists presented their point of view on social and economic problems of the region and ways to solve them.
Faculty of Sociology Dean, Prof. S.G. Ivchenkov opened the meeting going through the agenda and introducing the honored guests and participants. Among them were Minister of economic development and investment policy of Saratov Region V.A. Pozharov, Deputy Chair of Saratov Region Duma, Chair of the Social Policy Committee T.P. Erokhina, first vice-minister economic development and investment policy Yu. A. Shvakova, Chair of Saratov Regiona Duma Committee on economic policy, property and land matters A.A. Mazepov, Chair of Saratov branch of All-Russia small and medium enterprise organization Yu.Yu. Romanov, and vice-rector for research work A.V. Stalmakhov.
In his welcoming speech, Minister of economic development and investment policy of Saratov Region V.A. Pozharov encouraged open dialogue. “Today’s strategy is not working in the current situation. We are preparing a new document that will help to understand how and where to go taking a new paradigm into account”. After a series of meetings with university representatives and experts, the projects will be presented to the Governor.
SSU vice-rector for research work A.V. Stalmakhov thanked his colleagues for accepting the invitation to discussion. In his opinion, the round table agenda corresponds to the main issues of development strategy.
Professor of the SSU Department of Economics Theory and National Economy O.Yu. Krasilnikov presented the first report where he pointed out the main disadvantages of contemporary strategy. He suggested defining Saratov Region competitive points and promoting 1-2 strategic projects every year. Associate Professor of the SSU Department of Economics Theory and National Economy V.S. Fedoliak considered creating social and economic agglomeration corridor as a possible development scenario.
“Urban Environment as Investment Policy Object” social research was presented by Associated Professor of the Department of Social Informatics S.V. Sitnikova. Chair of the Department of Sociology of Social Work M.E. Emliutina talked about social and labour resources of the elderly. Chair of the Department of Economics Theory and National Economy E.V. Ogurtsova talked about regional development strategy risks. “Our region has some advantages. But we need mechanisms and directions that will help to use them”, believes E.V. Ogurtsova. Th efinal report was made by Professor of the Department of Finance and Credit A.A. Firsova who suggested using the experience of the other regions like Lipetsk and Tyumen and looking for investments.
The reports provoked heated discussion. Deputy Chair of Saratov Region Duma, Chair of the Social Policy Committee T.P. Erokhina got interested in the statistics presented by university scientists. She suggested exchanging information and asked to think about social projects they could implement.
Closing the meeting, V.A. Pozharov thanked the alma mater and said they would consider opinion of SSU scientists in the final document.