“Afisha” magazine made a list of regional universities – leaders of higher education in Russia. among them is Saratov State University; it is the only university of the region mentioned in the ranking.
The authors say about their methods: “In March, Minister for Education Dmitri Livanov published a major article “Why Russia Needs a Hundred of Strong Regional Universities” where he talked about the need to create a group of “universities all across the country that could be a center of education, innovation and research”. The Minister made it clear that “creating and developing” these universities is a major task of the country’s educational policy in the near future. It means that the state is ready to invest significant money into good regional universities and awaits correspondingly good results in education quality”. Analyzing the Russian higher education system, “Afisha” journalists decided that studying in a well-known regional university could give a student much more than a diploma of an average Moscow institution.
“Afisha’s” list includes mainly federal and national research universities. Every higher education institution has a short description that includes interesting facts from its history, main achievements, state of infrastructure development, number of state funded places available and other characteristics.
“Afisha” mentions that Saratov State University hosted LGU during the Great Patriotic war and says that the University is famous for its IT students. It also mentions the SSU positions in different ranking: “19th in the National University Ranking, 79th in the RAEX ranking, among 800 best world universities according to QS, among top-200 universities of BRIC by QS”.
SSU has the advantage of having 20 corporate departments in its structure. Among its partners are Saratov Acryl Polymer Plant, Scientific production Center “Almaz”, and Ministry of Industry and Energy.
“Afisha” finds it important that Saratov University innovations are used in defense, electronics, engineering, chemical, oil and gas industries, in agriculture and geology. The article says the University received a grant and opened “Theranostics Remote Controlled Systems” lab in 2014. The project’s scientific supervisor is G.B. Sukhorukov, Professor of Queen Mary University London.
This year Saratov State University has over three and a half thousand state funded openings for first year students.
Application documents should be submitted to faculty or institute admissions committee. Central Admissions Committee is at room 100B, Bldg. IX. Admissions committees work from 10:00 to 14:00 on weekdays and from 10:00 to 12:00 on Saturdays. For information call 51-92-26, 26-03-04. Information is also available on the Admissions page.