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Excellent students award ceremony took place at SSU

6 July, 2015 - 13:30

Excellent students award ceremony took place at SSU

Нина Цапайкина
Виктория Викторова

Award ceremony of best SSU students excelling in their studies took place at Saratov State University bldg. X on July, 6th.

The hosts – Institute of Chemistry graduate Aleksey Akmaev and Faculty of Physics graduate Anna Menskaya – noticed that it was both exciting and sad for all students to say good-buy to university. Everyone stood up to hear the student anthem “Gaudeamus”.

State Duma Deputy, Chair of the State Duma Committee on Labour O.Yu. Batalina sent a congratulatory address to SSU graduates: “Remember your student days that were full of hope, creativity and inspiration; may this memory support you in time of hardship. I hope you will always do what you love and stay true to your profession”.

SSU Rector A.N. Chumachenko addressed the graduates with good wishes: “Diploma with honours not only proves your knowledge; it is a goal you have achieved. Saratov employers are interested in people like you. You may be proud of your diploma because it is a diploma of Saratov state University, one of the best universities of Russia. We have won a lot of innovative competitions including the National Research University competition. You received knowledge from the best teachers. Remember this and feel proud for being Saratov State University graduate!” A.N. Chumachenko thanked all teachers who shared their knowledge with students and parents of today’s graduates.

SSU Rector A.N. Chumachenko also awarded the students who combined studying with active participation in university life in the following areas: Science, Student Self-governance, Sports, Student Union Work, Culture.

On behalf of all SSU deans and directors, S.G. Ivchenkov, Faculty of Sociology Dean, addressed the students: “You are our best, strongest students. I hope diploma with honours will help you in life. You are graduating from university that has long traditions and scientific schools. Let these minutes of happiness and knowledge фен with you forever”.

On behalf of the graduates, Faculty of Law student Anastacia Shagova took the word. “Today is the end of wonderful student years. We came to the university from different parts of the country and found many friends here. We studied together and helped each other. Priceless experience that we’ve got at university will help us; we’ve mastered a profession and we are ready to contribute to the society. We thank our teachers for being fare and preparing us for a new stage of our life.

Graduate students also prepared a show for the guests. SSU Balashov Institute graduate Irina Rubanova sang «Euphoria». «Art-mix» modern dance band showed a lyrical dance. “Collage” studio performed a song with a dance.

In the end all the guests gave the SSU graduate wow and made a group photo.