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SSU footballers won Saratov tournament of NSFL

18 April, 2015 - 11:00

SSU footballers won Saratov tournament of NSFL

Татьяна Хуснулина
Геннадий Савкин

Final matches of the fifth mini-tournament of the National Student Football League took place at Lokomotiv stadium on April 18. The competitors were the teams of Saratov State University, Kuban State University (Krasnodar), State University - Education-Science-Production Complex (Orel), and Yelets State University (Lipetsk Region).
At the Orel-Yelets match the score was 2:1. Footballers of the State University - Education-Science-Production Complex won the third place.
At the final match SSU team played with Kuban State University footballers who won the II European university games (Netherlands, 2014) and were many-time Russia champions among students. The match ended in a draw. By the difference of goals and missed balls Saratov State University team became the winner of the fifth NSFL tournament. Our congratulations!
National Student Football League 2014-2015 finals will take place in Krasnodar on May 14-17.