10th Call for Proposals
Funding period: July 1, 2014 – December 31, 2014
The German-Russian Interdisciplinary Science Center (G-RISC) is a Center of Excellence established in 2010. The main offices are based at St. Petersburg State University and Freie Universität Berlin. It relies on funding and regulations of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). G-RISC provides a unique interdisciplinary research platform supporting education and research in binational projects between Russia and Germany. Focus is interdisciplinary research in physics, geophysics, physical chemistry, and mathematics.
Proposals on the following subjects are subject of funding*:
Mobility funds for excellent young Russian students, graduate students, or post-docs up to the age of 35 years aiming interdisciplinary research projects in Germany, where support can be given for research stays up to 2 months. The following expenses should be considered: transportation: 300 EUR (for the European part of Russia)/600 EUR (for the Asian part of Russia, i.e. east of 600 longitude), local costs (per month): 750 EUR (undergraduates: qualification requirement: Bachelor or equivalent degree) 1,000 EUR (graduates: qualification requirement: Master or equivalent degree; post-docs: qualification requirement: doctoral degree).
Sur-place stipends for outstandingly bright Russian students (up to 6 months for 80 EURO per month) who are involved in interdisciplinary research projects with German partner groups (qualification requirement: Bachelor or equivalent degree). Note: The funding of visits to Germany and sur-place stipends cannot overlap.
Mobility funds for German excellent students, graduate students, or post-docs up to the age of 35 years aiming interdisciplinary research projects in Russia, where support can be given up to one month. The following expenses should be considered: transportation: 300 EUR, local costs: 850 EUR (undergraduates: qualification requirement: Bachelor or equivalent degree) 1,125 EUR (graduates: qualification requirement: Master or equivalent degree; post-docs: qualification requirement: doctoral degree).
Mobility funds for outstanding researchers teaching of compact interdisciplinary classes of broad interdisciplinary interest at the partner institutions in Russia or Germany. The following expenses should be considered: transportation: 300 EUR, 89 EUR (Russians) or 106 EUR (Germans) per day for up to 10 days of stay.
Note: The maximum number of funded people should be limited per project to 2 people.
Funds for interdisciplinary summer schools or research workshops. Preference is given to outstandingly important subjects linking different disciplines covered by G-RISC to Russian and German researchers, where funds up to 25,000 EUR can be requested.
IMPORTANT: Proposals must be written in English language. They must be submitted between April 1, 2014 and before the deadline May 1, 2014 by e-mail to office@g-risc.org. Late proposals will not be considered. The length of a proposal is limited to up to 2 pages (single space, New Times Roman, 12 pt).
NOTE: G-RISC aims for collaborations between research institutions from Russia and Germany. Therefore, a letter of acceptance from the head of the sending and hosting institutions must be enclosed upon submission, indicating that there is sufficient interest in collaboration and that the project can be performed, the required resources are available, and the visitor/s can be sent and hosted. Proposals ignoring these requirements will not be considered for evaluation.
The following structure of the proposals is obligatory:
Title of the project
Involved partner groups from Russia and Germany
State-of-the-art and own previous work
Aims of the project and description of the innovative, interdisciplinary approach
Brief work plan or outline of activities
Requested funds and justification, according to the above mentioned rules of G-RISC and DAAD
Note: References of published work funded by G-RISC should be submitted in an Appendix. All proposals will be peer reviewed and the decision of funding is made by the binational Steering Committee.
*subject to the pending allocation of funds provided by DAAD
Источник http://www.daad.ru/