Igor Gerikovich was born in Vyazovka, Tatishchevski district, Saratov Region in 1967. He graduated from school in 1984 and from the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, Saratov State University, in 1991, and entered the postgraduate course. In 2004 Igor Gerikovich successfully defended his thesis and received PhD in Sociology (Political institutions, ethnopolitical conflict studies, national and political processes and technologies (social studies)).
He has been working at Saratov State University since 1992 as Assistant first, then as Senior lecturer, and as Associate Professor now. From 1999 to 2003 he occupied the position of Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics. Since 2005 he has been obtaining the post of Vice-rector for educational and organizational work.
- Russian Higher education in the context of Globalisation. Saratov: Saratov University Press, 2003.
- Management of educational innovations // Russian sociology. History and modernity. Education at the turn of the centuries. №2. Saratov, Saratov University Press, 2003. (with Iljutenko A.A.)
- Revising math. 2003. (with Belousov V.A., Kuptsov S.N.)
- Russian higher education system integration policy in the Bologna process. Saratov: Saratov University Press, 2004.
- Transitive changes and regional issues of effective social policy// Regional social policy: current state and perspectives: collection of scientific papers. Saratov: Saratov University Press, 2004. (with Beginina I.A., Dylnov G.V., Zavgorodny A.I., Ivchenkov S.T., Mitiukova T.N.)
- Special aspects and perspectives of higher education institutions integration in the Bologna process // Proceedings of the International Forum on science, technology and education issues. Vol. 2. Moscow, 2004.
- Regional educational policy. // Proceedings of the International conference “Social differentiation, power and civil society in modern Russia”/ Ed. by Dylnov G.V. Saratov: Saratov University Press, 2004.
- On the process of Saratov State University integration in the Bologna process // Some issues of socio-political development of Russian society. Scientific Book Press. №12, 2005.
- Development and teaching of a distance-learning course on World economy// Proceedings of Russian scientific conference “Improvement of IT-specialists training in Applied informatics based on innovative technologies and e-learning”. Moscow: MESI, 2006. (with Korotkovskaya E.V., Sidorov S.P.)
- Open education system of sociology-specialists training using distance-learning technologies. // Proceeding of All-Russian Sociology Congress “Globalisation and social changes in modern Russia”. Vol. 14. Moscow, 2006.
- Sociologist: Innovative educational models// Accreditation in Education. № 15, 2007, P. 38-39. (with Dylnov G.V., Ivchenkov S.T., Shakhmatova N.V.)
- Using distant learning when teaching World Economy.// Educational space: Regional issues: Proceeding of Russian scientific conference. Ryazan, 2007. P. 87-91. (with Korotkovskaya E.V.)
- Sociologists training in Saratov State University: current state and perspectives// Izvestia Saratovskogo Universiteta. Series: Sociology. Political Science. №2. Vol. 7. 2007. P. 30-36.
- To the issue of innovations in sociology teaching // Russian society as reflected by sociology. Scientific Book Press, Vol. 7. 2007. P. 255-260.
- Continuous education system in the context of Russian integration in the Bologna process.// Some issues of socio-political society. Scientific Book Press. №14. 2007. P. 19-23.
- Aspects of classic universities integration in the European Educational framework// Izvestia Saratovskogo Universiteta. Series: Sociology. Political Science. №1. Vol. 8. 2007. P. 26-30.
- The basics of social informatics: textbook. Saratov: Saratov University Press, 2007.
- Innovations in education. Saratov: Saratov University Press, 2007. (with Dylnov G.V.)
- Russian education as space for cooperation.// Proceeding of scientific workshop. Moscow: M-Info, 2008. P. 28-32. (with Elina E.G.)
- Russian professional education: experience, issues and perspectives.// Collection of analytic materials. Moscow, 2008. P. 303-305. (with Kossovich L.Yu.)
- Using information and video technologies in innovation activity and solving the issue of quality assurance of university education (experience of Saratov State University)// European standards implementation and recommendations for education quality assurance: Proceedings of the 3rd Annual All-Russian scientific conference. Moscow, 2008. P. 176-187. (with Usanov D.A.)
- Regional population opinion on social reforms in modern Russia// Russian society as reflected by sociology. Scientific Book Press, Vol. 8. 2007. P. 23-26.
- Main trends and issues of regional educational reforms. // Some issues of socio-political society. Scientific Book Press. №15. 2008. P. 72-76.
- Main regional social policy models// Materials of the workshop “Regional social police: government and society cooperation”. Saratov, May 15th. P. 3-8.
- Regional educational policy under the Bologna process. // Workshop proceedings. Moscow: M-Info, 2008.
- Main trends and issues of regional educational reforms. // Some issues of socio-political society. Saratov: Scientific Book Press. 2008. P. 72-77.
- Aspects of classic universities integration in the European Educational framework// Izvestia Saratovskogo Universiteta. Series: Sociology. Political Science. №1. Vol. 8. 2007. P. 26-30.
- Power as the reflection of regional social groups’ interests: traditions and innovations. Saratov: Saratov University Press, 2008. (with Beginina I.A., Dylnov G.V., Dylnova Z.M., Shakhmatova N.V. and others)
- Computer resources of sociological research of regional issues. Saratov: Saratov University Press, 2008. (with Bobyleva E.A., Dylnov G.V., Ivchenkov S.T., Shakhmatova N.V.)
- Entrepreneurial sociology: western trends and Russian innovations in regional issues research. Saratov: Saratov University Press, 2008. (with Beginina I.A., Dylnova Z.M., Shakhmatova N.V.)
- Open education organization in Saratov State University// Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly. (with Ivanova N.A., Kossovich L.Yu., Firstov V.E.)
- Age impact on attitude of Saratov citizens to distance learning (based on sociological survey) // Information technologies in education: Proceedings of VI All-Russian Research and Practice Conference. Saratov, Science Book Press. 2014. P. 273-279. (with Ivchenkov S.G.)
- Innovations in social practice as an object of social reflection // Proceedings of the International research and practice conference Dylnov Readings “Day-to-day life of Russian people: sociological design”. Saratov, Science Book Press. 2014. P. 278-282.
- Administrative barriers restricting competition in Saratov Region: the opinion of entrepreneurs Izvestia Saratovskogo Universiteta. Series: Sociology. Political Science. T. 16. Vol. 4. 2016. P. 371-378. (with Beginina I.A. and Ivchenkov S.G.).
- Global tendencies of development of Russian sociological education // Proceedings of the International research and practice conference Dylnov Readings “Sociology of the 21st century: traditions and innovations”. Saratov, Saratov Spring Press. 2017. P. 87-90. (with Antonova O.G.)
Malinski I.G. took part in the development of regional program “SSU representative offices network development in Saratov Region (2004-2009)” approved by Minister of Education of Saratov Region and SSU rector in 2004
Federal expert on professional education quality
Member of the Board of the Ministry of Youth Policy and Sports in the Saratov Region
Member of the Presidium of the Saratov Region Organization of the Labor Union of RF Public and Research Employees