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Students Welcome to Intensive_PRO School of Applicants-Teachers at SSU

24 May, 2024 - 17:30

Students Welcome to Intensive_PRO School of Applicants-Teachers at SSU

Екатерина Селивёрова
Светлана Артамонова

From June 13 to June 15, Saratov State University is to host classes for high school students at the SSU School of Applicants-Teachers, Intensive_PRO. To take part in the three-day course, send your application form here.

In the school classes, the applicants who want to connect their lives with the teaching profession will find out about its features. Interactive lectures by the SSU teaching staff on pedagogy and psychology, creative workshops, and team games will help them in this. Topics for discussion will include teaching methods, the basics of rhetoric, recommendations for choosing a field of activity, the laws of communication at school, digital etiquette, and professional ethics of teachers.

The programme also includes a role-playing game Head for Students, a drama workshop What Teachers Talk About Without Words, a musical lounge Romance Fresh Breath: What Do the Souls of Teachers Sing About?, and a team game What? Where? When?.

The grand opening will take place on June 13 in Bldg. 12, SSU. Head of Priority Projects and Programmes of SSU Elena Yelina and Acting Director of Pedagogical Institute, SSU, Tatyana Firsova will address the audience.

Find the schedule of the Intensive_PRO School of Applicants-Teachers of the SSU here. The events for high school students will be held in Bldgs. 12 and 11, SSU.

The school classes are organised as part of the Teachers in the Educational Paradigm strategic project of Saratov State University of the Priority 2030 programme.

Read how the School of Applicants-Teachers was held last year on the news feed of the web-site here.