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SSU Young Researchers Received RSF Grants for Projects

12 July, 2023 - 16:33

SSU Young Researchers Received RSF Grants for Projects

Даниил Пронин
Дмитрий Ковшов

Six projects of SSU young scientists have received the grants of Russian Science Foundation according to the results of competitions of the Presidential Programme of Research Projects in 2023 for grants to conduct initiative research by young scientists and research groups under their leadership.

Four SSU projects became the winners of the RSF competition in the Conducting initiative research by young scientists category:

Functional adaptation to cortodontic effects by processing physiological data using methods of nonlinear physics (supervisor – Associate Professor of the Department of Open Systems Physics Anton Selskii);

  • The effect of noise on hardware artificial neural networks (supervisor – Associate Professor of the Department of Radiophysics and Nonlinear Dynamics Nadezhda Semenova);
  • Functionalized perforated graphene as a highly sensitive element of gas chemoresistive sensors: planned experimental output (supervisor – Senior Researcher at the Metamaterials Laboratory Pavel Barkov);
  • Luminescent gold nanoclusters for operative screening of cytostatic anthracycline antibiotics in human biofluids (supervisor – Associate Professor of the Department of General and Inorganic Chemistry Anna Abramova).
  • In the Conducting research by scientific groups under the guidance of young scientists category of the competition, the Stabilization of dynamic modes in spike neural networks under extreme conditions project was won by Assistant of the Department of Radiophysics and Nonlinear Dynamics Andrei Bukh.

According to the competition results, the foundation extended the project of the scientific group of Associate Professor of the Department of Open Systems Physics Alexander SadovnikovProcessing information signals based on controlled spinwave transport in multilevel reconfigurable magnon networks based on the principles of nonlinear magnon straintronics and spin photonics.

Head of the Office of Research Olga Moskalenko commented on the victory of SSU scientists. ‘This year, the vast majority (seven out of eight projects) of the winners of youth project competitions are physicists, and two of them (Nadezhda Semenova and Alexander Sadovnikov) have received such grants not for the first time. Among the winners of this year there are young scientists who have recently defended their PhD theses (Pavel Barkov – 2022, Andrei Bukh – 2021). Many of them have previously received grants (Anna Abramova) and scholarships (Anton Selskii, Nadezhda Semenova, Alexnader Sadovnikov, and Andrei Bukh) of the Russian President, and now they will continue their research at a new level already as part of grants from Russian Science Foundation. I congratulate all young scientists on a worthy victory and wish them further success to implement their projects and research in general.’

One RSF grant is up to 1,5 million roubles annually. The competition of initiative projects is aimed at supporting young researchers under the age of 33 who have successfully presented their PhD theses, regardless of their position and citizenship.

The competition of youth scientific groups is associated with the support of a new generation of scientific leaders. The foundation allocates grants for young candidates and doctors of sciences under the age of 35. One grant is paid from 3 to 6 million roubles annually, its duration is three years with the possibility of extension on a competitive basis for two years more.

The Presidential Programme of research projects was developed by RSF in 2017 on behalf of Russian President Vladimir Putin, its main tasks are to support long-term projects of leading scientists and provide promising young researchers with career development.