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Seven SSU Researchers Won RSF Contests

3 April, 2023 - 17:30

Seven SSU Researchers Won RSF Contests

Инна Герасимова
Дмитрий Ковшов

Russian Science Foundation has summed up the results of the 2023 project contest of individual research groups, the 2023 interdisciplinary research contest, and the 2020 project extension contest of individual research groups. According to their results, more than 800 research teams will receive financial support from the RSF. Most of them are projects of individual research groups, which are always highly competitive. More than 16.6 billion rubles will be allocated to finance the winners in 2023-2026.

Within the framework of the competition of individual research groups, 585 projects were supported, planned for implementation in 2023-2025, followed by a possible extension of the deadline for one or two years. This list includes the scientific developments of five scientists from Saratov University.

The projects of the professor of the Department of Radiophysics and Nonlinear Dynamics Tatyana Vadivasova "Nonlinear dynamics of complex spike neural networks taking into account the interaction of their components activated by special types of signals" and the head of the Department of Dynamic Modeling and Biomedical Engineering Anatolii Karavayev "Modeling of complex vibrational biophysical systems and development of methods for the diagnosis of connections and synchronization of their elements according to experimental signals".

Associate Professor of the Department of Materials Sciences, Technologies, and Quality Management Maria Lomova presented the development of the "Mechanism of antitumor action of an alternating non-warming magnetic field invitro and invivo" for the competition. Analytical luminescent methods for tracking the release of encapsulated doxorubicin were used in the project by the head of the Department of General and Inorganic Chemistry Irina Goryacheva.

The head of the Department of Optics and Biophotonics, Professor Valerii Tuchin, is engaged in the development of the fundamental foundations of the method of optical illumination of biological tissues and its application to solving the problems of diagnosis and therapy of pathological processes. His project was also among the winners. The amount of one grant of the Russian National Fund is from 4 to 7 million rubles annually.

In 2022, the implementation of three-year projects of individual research groups supported by the Foundation in 2020 was completed. The terms of the competition provided for the possibility of extending the implementation of projects for a period of one to two years. Within the framework of the extension competition, 209 projects were supported. Among them are two projects of SSU researchers.

This is the development of the head of the Department of Radiophysics and Nonlinear Dynamics Galina Strelkova "Collective dynamics of coupled ensembles of nonlinear oscillators. Influence of topology and nature of connections, heterogeneity, external noise and regular disturbances".

Another project "Man at War: the anthropology of military history of the Napoleonic era" was presented by Professor of the Department of General History Andrei Gladyshev.

"Last year, the scientists of our university took an active part in the competitions of the Russian Science Foundation, which resulted in a large number of projects that received support this year. Among the winners of the competition of individual scientific groups there are both collectives that have received grants from the Russian Academy of Sciences for the first time, and scientific groups that have repeatedly become holders of grants from the Russian Academy of Sciences. Thus, the teams led by corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor V.V. Tuchin and Associate Professor M.V. Lomova received grants from the Russian Academy of Sciences for the second time, and the team led by Professor I.Yu. Goryacheva – even for the 4th time. For the first time, collectives under the leadership of Professor A.S. Karavaev and Professor T.E. Vadivasova received the support of the foundation, – said the head of the Office of Research Olga Moskalenko. – It is also important to note that all the teams that took part in the competition to extend the deadlines for projects completed in 2022 received funding for the next two years. I wish all scientific groups successful project implementation, as well as creative success and further victories."

The results of the examination of applications in the IAS RNF and the cards of supported projects on the fund's website will be available from April 4.