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SSU to Implement Federal Course in Management and CDO-Management

15 November, 2019 - 13:00

SSU to Implement Federal Course in Management and CDO-Management

Александра Головачёва
Геннадий Савкин

On 15 November in SSU Bldg. IX there was conducted the first lesson of the re-training course for manager teams and educators titled the Data Management – Chief Data Officer in Government Agencies.

The audience was welcomed by Head of Priority Projects and Programmes Elena G. Yelina. She reminded the guests about the SSU 110th anniversary of the university and commented on the history of the first university in the region. Then Elena Yelina told the course attendees about lectures and seminars and introduced their mentors. She underlined the course lecturers are the staff members of the only university in the region to prepare pedagogues, and they are real professionals. The course students will be taught by not only SSU staff members but specialists from Moscow University 20.35 and Dipol Business School well-known in Saratov.

‘The course conducted with University 20.35 is connected with digitalisation of economy and education and the development of AI, the trends that are becoming more important in Russia. You will have to learn new concepts and terms as well as new materials which you will have to use at your lessons,’ marked Elena Yelina.

According to her, the SSU staff has gained a lot of experience working with endowed children, therefore the course members will acquire competences in that sphere.

‘Recently, Saratov University has hosted a big international conference, where international colleagues noted that SSU was taking the leading positions in studying endowment,’ added the head.

Moreover, Elena Yealina highlighted that teachers and managers would learn all the necessary information for modern pedagogues.

‘I would like to congratulate you on being pioneers in your schools and providing new knowledge there.’

The next to speak was the project curator, Manager of University 20.35 Maria A. Valeyeva.

‘We teach the people who will be able to influence the work and make manager decisions. Our goal is to solve real cases studies, know how to define problems, and put forward hypotheses. And our teaching and mentoring staff will help you do it,’ said Maria Valeyeva.

After that the audience listened to Maria V. Yerokhina, Director of the Office of Priority Projects and Programmes. She commented on the organisation issues and introduced the first lector, Associate Professor of the SSU Department of Material Sciences and Technologies and Quality Management Dennis V. Terin who told the course students about the history of digitalisation in Russia and other countries and its tendencies.

The course was initiated and ordered by the Agency for Strategic Development. It will last till the middle of December and consist of lectures, seminars, and exams. Thus, its members will study at university and online. The project is aimed to use CDO technologies in managing. The course was developed in accordance with the Personnel for Digital Economy Federal Project and the Education National Project.

It should be noted that Saratov University teach the course attendees for free because it has been given the grant by the Agency for Strategic Development. More than 200 teachers and education managers take this course, namely authorities from the Volga, the North Caucasian, the Central, and the Ural Federal Districts who are responsible for education strategy development in the regions; school principals and deputy principals; teachers who head methodology groups and are in charge of research in their schools.

In the moderators’ opinion, due to the course local officials will be able to create manager teams. They, in their turn, will make effective strategy decisions and initiate and implement projects and programmes with new approaches, including those aimed to detect endowed children and develop their skills. Its objective is to teach personnel for in terms of digital economy.

