On November 12, winners of “Youth Science Innovation Competition Participants 2015” program (“U.M.N.I.K.”) got their awards at Saratov State University.
Head of Saratov branch of the Foundation for Assistance to Small Innovative Enterprises in Science and Technology K.P. Murenin opened the meeting thanking young scientists for their great presentations and stamina. According to him, this year universities are especially active that shows the competition’s popularity and its effectiveness. He advise4d the winners to get to the next level – register their inventions and start up their own enterprises. “Our country and our region need your ideas, intellect and talent”, said K.P. Murenin.
K.P. Murenin thanked Saratov State University for holding the competition and paid tribute to its staff – Chair of the Department of Solid Body Physics Prof. D.A. Usanov and Chair of the Department of Medical Physics Prof. A.V. Skripal.
President of the jury, SSTU professor A.A. Bolshakov congratulated the winners on their success and the participants on presenting their innovations at the regional level.
D.A. Usanov wished the young scientists success and hoped “U.M.N.I.K.” competition would become a start of their future career in science.
The jury chose 31 projects for the approval by the supervisory council of the Foundation for Assistance to Small Innovative Enterprises in Science and Technology.
Eleven young scientists from SSU were among the “U.M.N.I.K.” competition winners: Maksim Kurochkin (engineer, Nuclear Physics, Quantum Electronics and Spectroscopy Lab), Yaroslav Rybkin (junior research fellow, Remote Controlled Theranostic Systems Lab), Ekaterina Latysheva (engineer, Semiconductor Electronics Lab), Natalia Makarova (graduate student, Faculty of Physics), Damir Rukhmanov (engineer, Remote Controlled Theranostic Systems Lab), Maksim Cherviakov (assistant, Department of Meteorology and Climatology), Anatoli Abalymov (engineer, Education and Research Institute of Nanostructures and Biosystems), Yuri Ishbulatov (engineer, Corporate Department of Dynamic Modeling and Biomedical Engineering), Victoria Papkina (senior lab assistant, Corporate Department of Polymers), Pavel Pidenko (assistant researcher, Inorganic Chemistry Lab), Aleksey Kurenkov (graduate of Faculty of Nano- and Biomedical technologies).
The winners have to collect all required documents to receive the grant till December. The financial aid of 400,000 rub is for two years. Every six months a grantee have to report back on their research to receive further support. The project could be finished before its due date, and then the next grant installment could also be received earlier.
“Youth Science Innovation Competition Participants 2015” program (“U.M.N.I.K.”) took place at SSU on November 10-12 as part of All-Russia school-workshop “Computer Diagnostics Methods in Biology and Medicine”. The competition was held together with the Foundation for Assistance to Small Innovative Enterprises in Science and Technology. One hundred young scientists from Saratov universities participated in the competition. They presented their project in five nominations: Information Technologies, Medicine of the Future, Modern Materials and Technologies, New Devices and Hardware Complexes, Biotechnologies. 380 Saratov scientists under 28 years of age have received “U.M.N.I.K.” grants since 2007.