Work experience: 33 years
Rakhimbaeva Inga Erlenovna was born in Makhachkala in 1958. She went to school № 19 in Saratov.
In 1979 Rakhimbaeva I.E. graduated Saratov State Pedagogical University, Faculty of Music and Pedagogy with honors and started working at the university. She is constantly growing as a professional. Rakhimbaeva I.E. did graduate studies in Sholokhov Moscow State University for Humanities. In 2009 she successfully defended a doctoral thesis “Artistic education quality management in a pedagogical institution” and got her Terminal degree.
Rakhimbaeva I.E. takes part in international and all-Russian conferences on a regular basis and publishes her work at leading scientific magazines (Moscow, Volgograd, Kostroma, Saratov, Kiev and others). She has over 120 publications, among them are 4 monographs and 25 textbooks and stuffy guides.
Rakhimbaeva I.E. also works as a scientific supervisor. Five PhD students successfully completed their studies under her instruction. Rakhimbaeva I.E. is currently a member of the thesis committee for pedagogical studies.
1. Education quality management model at the Faculty of Arts // Izvestia Volgogradskogo gosudarstvennogo pedagogicheskogo universiteta. Series “Pedagogical studies”. Volgograd, 2008. № 4 (28). P. 90-94.
2. Main components of higher pedagogical artistic education quality management // Vestnik of the Moscow state University of culture and arts. Moscow, 2008. № 2 (22). P. 181-185.
3. Professional and pedagogical competence of higher pedagogical artistic education subjects as an indicator of its quality management effectiveness // Vestnik of the Moscow state University of culture and arts. Moscow, 2008. № 5 (25). P. 131-137.
4. Information technologies and quality management at the Faculty of Arts // Information technologies and education. Moscow, 2008. № 4. P. 98-101.
5. Quality criteria of pedagogical artistic education // Higher education in Russia. Moscow, 2009. № 2. P. 41-45.
6. Creative education forms at school in contemporary socio-cultural situation // Vestnik of Nekrasov Kostroma State University. Vol. 16. Kostroma, 2010. № 3. P. 26-30.
7. Students’ personality development at the Faculty of Arts educational space // Izvestia Saratovskogo Universiteta. Series Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy. Vol. 11. Saratov, 2011.
8. Artistic education quality management organization model // Scientific journal of The National Pedagogical Dragomanov University. Series 14. Artistiс education theory and methods. Riev: NPU, 201. P. 7-11.
9. Multilevel artistic education quality management in a National Research university // Topical issues of music and pedagogical education/ Proc. of the 10th international conference. Moscow: RITM, 2012. P. 73-81.
10. Education quality management effectiveness monitoring in a university // Proc. / Ed. by V.I. Strakhov. Vol. 9. Saratov: Nauka, 2012. P. 134-143.
Taught courses:
- Research methods
- Music education and its methods
Further training:
Training in IEA, Paris, France 28.03.2011 - 9.04.2011