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Secondary school №19, 1975 г.
K.A. Fedin Saratov State Pedagogical University, 1979 г.
Thesis and academic degrees: 
PhD in Education (13.00.01), Preparing music students for school work, 1991 г.
Terminal degree in Education (13.00.08), Artistic education quality management in a pedagogical institution, 2009 г.
Academic title: 
Professor in the Department of Theory, History and Pedagogy of the Arts, 2012 г.
Research Interests: 
Artistic education issues
Artistic education quality management
Creative program students professional training
Общий стаж: 
46 лет
Стаж по специальности: 
46 лет
Work experience: 
Accompanist, Department of singing and its teaching methods, 1979 to 1985
Assistant, Department of music and music instrument theory and history, 1985 to 1995
Associate Professor , Department of music and music instrument theory and history, 1995 to 1997
Dean, Faculty of Music and Pedagogy, 1997 to 2004
Dean, Faculty of Arts and Artistic Education, 2004 to 2011
Director, Institute of Arts
Other Administrative Positions: 

Work experience: 33 years

Honors and Awards: 
Honored worker of secondary education, 2006 г.

Rakhimbaeva Inga Erlenovna was born in Makhachkala in 1958. She went to school № 19 in Saratov.
In 1979 Rakhimbaeva I.E. graduated Saratov State Pedagogical University, Faculty of Music and Pedagogy with honors  and started working at the university. She is constantly growing as a professional. Rakhimbaeva I.E. did graduate studies in Sholokhov Moscow State University for Humanities. In 2009 she successfully defended a doctoral thesis “Artistic education quality management in a pedagogical institution” and got her Terminal degree.

Rakhimbaeva I.E. takes part in international and all-Russian conferences on a regular basis and publishes her work at leading scientific magazines (Moscow, Volgograd, Kostroma, Saratov, Kiev and others). She has over 120 publications, among them are 4 monographs and 25 textbooks and stuffy guides.

Rakhimbaeva I.E. also works as a scientific supervisor. Five PhD students successfully completed their studies under her instruction. Rakhimbaeva I.E. is currently a member of the thesis committee for pedagogical studies.

Преподаваемые дисциплины: 
Методология и методы научных исследований
Методология педагогики и музыкального образования
Main Publications: 

1. Education quality management model at the Faculty of Arts // Izvestia Volgogradskogo gosudarstvennogo pedagogicheskogo universiteta. Series “Pedagogical studies”. Volgograd, 2008. № 4 (28). P. 90-94.

2. Main components of higher pedagogical artistic education quality management // Vestnik of the Moscow state University of culture and arts. Moscow, 2008. № 2 (22). P. 181-185.

3. Professional and pedagogical competence of higher pedagogical artistic education subjects as an indicator of its quality management effectiveness // Vestnik of the Moscow state University of culture and arts. Moscow, 2008. № 5 (25). P. 131-137.

4. Information technologies and quality management at the Faculty of Arts // Information technologies and education. Moscow, 2008. № 4. P. 98-101.

5. Quality criteria of pedagogical artistic education // Higher education in Russia. Moscow, 2009. № 2. P. 41-45.

6. Creative education forms at school in contemporary socio-cultural situation // Vestnik of Nekrasov Kostroma State University. Vol. 16. Kostroma, 2010. № 3. P. 26-30.

7. Students’ personality development at the Faculty of Arts educational space // Izvestia Saratovskogo Universiteta. Series Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy. Vol. 11. Saratov, 2011.

8. Artistic education quality management organization model // Scientific journal of The National Pedagogical Dragomanov University. Series 14. Artistiс education theory and methods. Riev: NPU, 201. P. 7-11.

9. Multilevel artistic education quality management in a National Research university // Topical issues of music and pedagogical education/ Proc. of the 10th international conference. Moscow: RITM, 2012. P. 73-81.

10.  Education quality management effectiveness monitoring in a university // Proc. / Ed. by V.I. Strakhov. Vol. 9. Saratov: Nauka, 2012. P. 134-143.

Post-graduate Students: 
Gorina L.V., Preparing future teachers to artistic and instructional design, 2000 г.
Mishutina O.V., System of preparing pedagogical students to organizing creative leisure work at school, 2004 г.
Chasovskaia I.A., Students’ creative self-development in additional education institutions system, 2007 г.
Protasova S.V., Teaching conditions of music instrument training quality management in a pedagogical institution, 2009 г.
Korchagina N.V., Development of music teachers’ professionalism using acmeological method, 2012 г.
Additional information: 

Taught courses:

  • Research methods
  • Music education and its methods

Further training:

Training in IEA, Paris, France 28.03.2011 - 9.04.2011