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SSU Rector Chumachenko Congratulates High Schoolers on Farewell Bell

24 May, 2024 - 09:00

SSU Rector Chumachenko Congratulates High Schoolers on Farewell Bell

Виктория Викторова

Dear high school graduates!

So, the end of the academic year has come – the last one for you. Your time at school is coming to an end, and a new, important stage of your life is ahead – time for a start, exciting changes, and the choice of a further professional trajectory. Today, your thoughts are focused on the future – how to decide on a profession, where to study, and how to become a competent and in-demand specialist.

Saratov State University, as it was decades ago, is chosen by those who seek to gain knowledge in a variety of fields, strive to possess information, expand their horizons, think flexibly, work in a team, achieve high results and, of course, find loyal friends and like-minded people.

Many of you are already know a lot about the university – you have attended schools for young people, were participants in student clubs, studied in the university Pedagogical Classroom, gone to the Constellation camp for talented children, got acquainted with the university teaching staff during shifts in the Galaxy-64.

At the university, you will find not only lectures, workshops, fascinating scientific discoveries, but also the activities of youth associations – the Student Council, the Student Club, the Sports Club, the media editorial offices, and the student brigades. The most motivated during their studies will be able to receive not one, but several diplomas, win grants, try themselves in the development of start-ups, travel around the country, participating in conferences, forums, congresses, and shows.

SSU students master the courses that are up-to-date to needs of the market and are based on the traditions of our scientific schools. The training is given by leading teachers who use innovative approaches and authors’ methods in their work, whose names are known far outside the country.

On behalf of the entire staff of Saratov State University, I congratulate you on graduating from school. Feel free to dream and set ambitious goals for yourself. Believe in yourself and your strength, and may your future life be filled with interesting events, new achievements, and victories!

The university is open to you. The admissions committees will start working in all educational departments of our university on June 20. They will provide you with all the necessary information and help you fill in the documents for admission correctly. Find help on the website, where there is the Memo for Applicants section and where all the necessary information about the admission to Saratov State University and the 2024 admission campaign is gathered.

Pass your exams successfully and get high scores!

We are waiting for you at our university!

Rector of Saratov State University,

Alexei Chumachenko