On 19 October a new collective work environment, the university Boiling Point, was opened in Bldg. VI. The ceremony was attended by the SSU administration, members of the academic staff, students as well as officials, members of public organisations, researchers, businessmen, and technology enterprisers. The ceremony was organised within the Autumn Navigator, the event devoted to the opening of the Points and aimed to make students to know about the National Technology Initiative. In total, 41 Boiling Points were opened in Russia.
Head of the Education Office Sergei V. Udalov welcomed the audience.
‘We hope it will become a new place where members of the university community will work with businessmen and regional officials. The main principals of the SSU Boiling Point are to be open and communicative. Anyone will be able to initiate and conduct any event at our Point if that project corresponds with the Boiling Point agenda and the NTI platform.’
SSU Rector, Professor Aleksei N. Chumachenko noted that any big event this year has been dedicated to the 110th anniversary of Saratov University, and the opening of the Boiling Point is one of them.
‘We are young not only because youth study here, but because our university always tries and creates something new. Saratov University has always ‘boiled’ because of the energy. And we believe that we will get new opportunities due to the new Boiling Point because we will definitely use the experience shared by the NTI, ASI and University 20.35. Also I am sure we will contribute to the concept, too.’
Then the audience was welcomed by Deputy Minister of Manufacturing and Energy in the Saratov Region Dmitrii A. Saratovskii.
‘It is principal for us that business, research, and expert communities together with manufacturing enterprises will be united in order to solve the tasks. There are different ways to do it. The platform opened in SSU is very important and necessary at this development stage. You have the corporate departments, you have the researchers who work with manufacturing plants. We need to use it and achieve the goals set by the Boiling Point. On the other hand, you have the experience and sustainable scientific schools, and you can contribute to this platform using you knowledge and skills.’
Also the audience listened to Executive Director of the NTI platform, Special Presidential Representative for Digital and Technological Development Dmitrii N. Peskov. He commented on the plans, announced the results of the teams which have been developing the Points, and invited to take part in the Autumn Navigator and the Winter Island.
President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Saratov Region Aleksei V. Antonov pointed out that anyone would be able to prove the importance of their project. In addition, he underlined that the Chamber is going to coordinate with SSU to organise events in the new platform.
At the next stage there was signed the agreement with the Agency for Strategic Initiatives. Later the event participants listened to the team curator of the SSU Boiling Point opening ceremony from the National Technology Initiative Platform NPO Elena A. Chernikova. She spoke about the values and objectives of the collective environment.
As Sergei V. Udalov noted, the main projects of the Boiling Point became those within the National Technology Initiative (NTI), namely the Healthnet (medicine technologies and biotechnologies) and Edunet (education technologies).
‘We are going to help our students develop their soft skills necessary for personal development and successful career,’ he concluded.
‘The Boiling Point is a new useful format. It is a new form of co-working, the place where projects will be self-assembled. I would like our students to actively participate in it. They will be able to come here and ask any questions. Youth means energy, first of all, and the Boiling Point is aimed to produce quality content and attract the attention of the people interested in it. For the regional officials this platform is important because one of its objectives is the region development because sometimes the officials do not know where to gather the people they need to solve the tasks. What is more, the Boiling Point can be useful for the regional citizens who can also take part in different interactive events,’ commented the Programme Director of the Boiling Point in Saratov University Andrei P. Rytik.
There the SSU students and members of the academic staff had the access to the University 20.35 platform, its diagnosis and recommendation service based on AI algorithms. The university Boiling Points are targeted to improve different skills of students and professors so that they will be able to acquire all the necessary digital competences in a very short time using the University 20.35 and their own university platforms.
After the opening ceremony the members participated in a few events. They learnt how to develop business plans and how to create ideas for their business at the From Idea to Business Expert Session conducted by Ilya A. Levin, the founder of the Good Bread Chain Store.
The goal of the Communication Technologies at Work Training was to improve communication competence, teach how to use business communication in order to create comfortable atmosphere in a student or working group, how to defuse conflicts taking into account the opinion of all its participants, and how to fulfil potential of any person. Its moderator was Associate Professor of the SSU Department of Special Needs Psychology Elena V. Kupriyanchuk.
Head of the SSU Business-Incubator Elena V. Korotkovskaya analysed the Young Professionals Movement, according to the WorldSkills Russia standards. The members found out about the championship history, its main competences, and the achievements of Russian participants in the world championship.
The Medicine Technologies in Saratov – Synergy of Education, Research, Entrepreneurship, and Manufacturing Interactive Workshop was dedicated to innovation technologies of virtual reality in medicine and clinical decision support system used in laboratory stages of assisted reproductive technologies. The speakers were Associate Professor of the SSU Department of Optics and Biophotonics Ivan V. Fedosov, Professor of the SSMU Department of Otorhinolaryngology Gleb O. Mareyev, and CEO of Nano-Structure Glass Technology R&D Enterprise LLC. Julia S. Skibina.
At the PR-Weekend Workshop he speaker Natalia Mitrokhina, Head of the Press Office of the Dubki Company, told the audience about the up-to-date PR issues in big enterprises, the PR peculiarities, and its main trends.
The last event there was the How NeuroNet Creates Good Content Master-Class conducted by Data Science Engineer Grid Dynamics Vladimir Borisov. He helped the participants indulge into the GAN-network world and analysed the Russian FaceApp.