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Students of Institute of Chemistry to Learn How to Develop Training Software

13 November, 2023 - 16:48

Students of Institute of Chemistry to Learn How to Develop Training Software

Полина Громова
Дмитрий Ковшов

On November 10, a specialised classroom on the development of computer training software opened at Saratov State University. There, students of the Institute of Chemistry will learn to develop the software for training personnel of hazardous chemical industries and process control and optimisation.

The specialised classroom is located in Room 304, Bldg. 6, SSU. The equipment was purchased with the support of the Priority 2030 programme. The software for the development of simulators was provided by an SSU partner – Management Information System Joint Stock Company.

‘In the display classroom, together with the INIUS company, the students will be able to develop mathematical models of technological processes and devices of chemical production to work as part of computer simulators designed to train operators and manage production,’ Igor Nikiforov, Deputy Head of the INIUS Process Modelling Department, Associate Professor of the Department of Petrochemistry and Technogenic Safety, said.

Igor Nikiforov noted that training in the classroom on the development of computer simulators would improve the quality of students’ training and their readiness to work at enterprises.

At the grand opening ceremony, Vice-Rector for Research and Digital Development Aleksei Koronovskii made a welcoming speech. He reminded about the tasks of the SSU strategic projects. ‘This is a good example when the university, together with industrial partners, invests in the future of students, companies, and the university,’ he marked.

Director of the Institute of Chemistry Irina Goryacheva thanked the INIUS company for cooperation and hoped that the relations would develop and reach a new level. ‘Now you are learning what you will need in the future. We are glad that we have the opportunity to cooperate with leading modern enterprises and give you up-to-date knowledge,’ she addressed the students.

Chair of the Department of Petrochemistry and Technogenic Safety Raisa Kuzmina told the audience about the 20-year history of cooperation between SSU and INIUS JSC. ‘We are very pleased with the career growth of our graduates who become employees of the company. Thanks to our cooperation, the prospects of both the enterprise and the university are expanding. Due to the Priority 2030 programme, you, students, are very lucky as have the opportunity to use a new display classroom that will open up new opportunities for you,’ she commented.

One of the main developers of the software launched in the display classroom are the leading specialists of INIUS, SSU graduates – Head of the Modelling Department Andrei Krivonosov and Head of the Design Department Alexander Kolokin.

Technological installations of all hazardous industries should be provided with the training software. Today, universities use only ready-made training software tools for teaching students, often developed abroad, and do not participate in the development of their own simulators. In the display classroom, the SSU students will be able to independently create training software.

Due to the classroom, the students will be able to increase the level of graduation papers. They will carry out research directly on real orders, as well as learn the computing tools used at the INIUS enterprise.

JSC INIUS is a leading Russian developer of simulator software for training operational and technological personnel of industrial facilities – chemical, petrochemical, as well as oil and gas production and processing enterprises. The use of such simulators increases technological safety at the enterprise, allows optimising the work of employees, and correcting technological modes and algorithms of control systems.