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Interfax Ranking: SSU Refined Positions

14 June, 2023 - 17:23

Interfax Ranking: SSU Refined Positions

Аэлита Пономарёва

The Interfax information group has published an updated national university. The universities were evaluated, according to six parameters: education, research, social environment, cooperation, brand, innovation, and entrepreneurship.

In comparison to the 2022 results, Saratov State University has improved its position. According to the new data, SSU ranks 34th in the overall ranking, whereas in 2022 it was in 40th place. The educational indicator improved from 36th to 26th place. In terms of brand quality, SSU took 33rd place. There is a significant increase in research – in this direction, the university occupies the 33-34 position of the ranking. According to the level of socialisation, the university took 87-88 places, according to the cooperation criterion – 26th place, and according to the innovation indicator – 78-79th position.

The study, which was conducted as part of the 2023 National University Ranking project, involved 368 Russian universities. Thus, the ranking includes six universities with the status of governmental, 10 – federal, 28 – national research, 32 – basic, as well as 98 universities that are participants in the Priority 2030 programme.

The assessment was based on the data from questionnaires submitted by universities, available public data posted by universities on their websites, public data from the information resources of the Russian Ministry of Science and Higher Education, as well as information from the SPARK-Interfax and SCAN-Interfax information and analytical systems.

The National University Ranking project has been implemented by the Interfax group since 2010. The main task of the project is the development of an independent evaluation system of Russian universities and their curriculums, increasing the competitiveness of the Russian education system, research, and technological entrepreneurship, as well as the development of federal and regional universities.

You can find the detailed results of the study here.