The 2019 grant results have been announced by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, and 8 researchers of Saratov University have become the winners.
The foundation will support the fundamental research projects; projects conducted by young researchers led by candidates and doctors of science; the best projects implemented by young researchers “Eureka! Idea”.
The winners of the first contest became the groups of SSU scientists led by Yu.A. Kalinin, S.V. Grishin, O.V. Ustyantseva, S.V. Tikhonova, and V.A. Yurko, the second contest – the group led by Ye.G. Glukhovskoi, and the third one – S.Ye. Sheshukova and E.S. Speranskaya.
A few projects are connected with development and study of new materials. Chair of the Film Nanostructure Materials Laboratory, Associate Professor of the Department of Material Sciences and Technologies and Quality Management Ye. G. Glukhovskoi has received the grant to study thin-film materials based on phthalocyanine and fullerene-C60.
The project of Associate Professor of the Department of Open Systems Physics S.Ye. Sheshukova is aimed at data signal multiplexing using the approaches of quantum and resonance optomagnonics. The research group led by S.V. Grishin will produce spinwave complexes with many solitons in microwave generator based on multifunctional elements of magnonics.
Chief Research Fellow of the Laboratory №5 of the Division of Nonlinear System Physics of the Natural Sciences Research Institute Yu.A. Kalinin has received the grant to study turbulence and structuring in nonlinear wave system of vircator type in order to improve energetic, spectrographic, and frequency characteristics. “Quantum sensor based on the ‘quantum dot – microstructure optical waveguide’ system” is the research topic of Senior Research Fellow of the Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory E.S. Speranskaya.
Chair of the Department of Mathematical Physics and Numerical Analysis V.A. Yurko will use the grant to develop methods and inverse problem algorithms of spectrum analysis for differential operators in closed sets.
Liberal arts researchers have also become the winners of the first grant category: Associate Professor of Department of Customs, Administrative and Financial Law O.V. Ustyantseva with the project “Legal Protection of Marine Mammals in the Russian Federation: Tendencies and Perspectives” and Professor of the Department of Theoretical and Social Philosophy and the Department of Social Communications S.V. Tikhonova.
It should be noted that SSU researchers of different spheres regularly win grants of big Russian foundations – the Russian Foundation for Basic Research and the Russian Science Foundation.