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Students and Mentors Awarded in Constellation Summer School for Endowed Children

31 August, 2018 - 06:00

Students and Mentors Awarded in Constellation Summer School for Endowed Children

Александра Головачёва
Геннадий Савкин

On August 28 the Summer Educational Center for Children “Dubki” hosted the closing ceremony of the 30th anniversary of the Constellation Summer School for Endowed Children. The following honored guests visited the event: Deputy Minister of Education of the Saratov Region V.V. Ushakova, a consultant of the Education Committee of the city administration “Saratov City” L.V. Beresneva. The school students were congratulated by SSU Vice-Rector for Educational and Organizational Work I.G. Malinskiy.

The ceremony was organized as a TV-show. Its hosts spoke about secrets of the camp and interviewed the school guests and supervisors of student groups.

V.V. Ushakova answered the questions first. She underlined the project for endowed children is extremely important not only for our region but the country in general.

‘Future Russian professionals have been prepared here during 10 days, and their training was as significant as the military one. I have come to you by order of Minister of Education of the Saratov Region Irina Vladimirovna Sedova to congratulate you on your graduation from the summer school. I saw you at the beginning when you didn’t know each other but now I can say all of you have become a friendly and strong-knit team,’ addressed to the school students Valeriya Viktorovna.

At the end of her speech she awarded university professors with letter of appreciation from Governor of the Saratov Region and Ministry of Education of the Saratov Region. However, other mentoring staff was also granted – representatives of the Saratov Regional Institute of Education Development and teachers of Lyceum of Mathematics and Informatics, Schools №63 and №43.

Then the school participants were congratulated by I.G. Malinskiy. He expressed his gratitude to mentors and commented that those of them who have ever visited the “Constellation” would definitely come here again.

‘The school has already been organized for 30 years. This summer 252 school students have taken part in the school thanks to the regional Ministry of Education and the regional administration,’ Igor Gerikovich said.

It should be noted there were 7 scientific groups this year in comparison with 5 groups in 2017.

I.G. Malinskiy marked how hard not only group supervisors have worked but camp educators and tutors as well. He awarded students who helped in the school with letters of appreciation from Saratov University.

A consultant of the Education Committee of the city administration “Saratov City” L.V. Beresneva was interviewed and asked children questions in turn. They were happy to attend it and wished to return here next year.

Lyudmila Vladislavovna gave Director of the “Dubki” Center N.V. Syromyatnikova a letter of appreciation from the Committee. Nataliya Vladimirovna joined to the congratulations and said she would be glad to meet “Constellation” school students in the center.

Then a member of the Young Linguists group – Darya Galkina – sang for the audience, and the ceremony hosts addressed to scientific supervisors of the Young Chemists group.

Associate Professor of the Department of Analytical Chemistry and Chemical Ecology I.V. Kosyreva and Associate Professor of the Department of Physical Chemistry A.V. Ushakov granted their students with portfolio results and awarded prizewinners of on- and off-site and practice rounds with certificates.

‘We have held seminars and lectures and observed chemical reactions during 10 days. Unfortunately, the school is over but I will definitely remember these moments forever. I wish all of you to be lucky,’ expressed her opinion Irina Vladimirovna.

The Young Historians group was congratulated by Director of the Institute of History and International Relations T.V. Cherevichko.

‘Our group has already participated in this school for 19 years! It is wonderful there are groups who study not only exact sciences but liberal arts as well striking the balance between them,’ shared her thoughts Tatyana Viktorovna.

‘I would like to thank you for such a brilliant time we have spent with you,’ said Associate Professor of the Department of National History and Historiography V.V. Khasin. Together with Associate Professor A.V. Luchnikov he gave certificates to members of the lecture and essay contests and the olympiad on history.

Participants and prizewinners of on- and off-site Olympiad on informatics and programming were awarded by Dean of the Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technologies A.G. Fyodorova and Senior Lecturer of the Department of Informatics and Programming, Head of the Life-Long Center for IT-Specialists Ye.YE. Lapsheva.

‘I wish you be successful at school olympiads and stay healthy!’ said Antonina Gavrilovna.

She commented this year has become special for the faculty staff because “Constellation” students started studying Python there.

After that a member of the Young Mathematicians group Yelizaveta Bessarab amazed the audience by singing and playing the ukulele.

Associate Professor of the Department of English Language and Intercultural Communication N.I. Igolkina awarded the winners of the olympiad on the English language and encouraged school students set new goals and reach them.

‘Let the song we have listened to here accompany and help you move on in spite of laziness or tiredness,’ added Nataliya Ivanovna.

Even on the last day of the school students attended lectures. One of them was delivered by  Responsible for Social and Educational Work of the Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics Ye.V. Setsynskaya. At the closing ceremony the Young Mathematicians group was awarded by Ye.V. Setsynskaya, Associate Professor of the Department of Computer Algebra and Number Theory V.V. Krivobok, and Senior Lecturer of the Department of Differential Equations and Applied Mathematics O.Yu. Dmitriyev.

The members of the Young Philologists group were granted by Associate Professor of the Department of Literary Studies and Journalism A.V. Rayeva, Associate Professor of the Department of Language Theory and History and Applied Linguistics T.N. Medvedeva, and Responsible for Educational Work and Public Relations of the Institute of Philology and Journalism P.I. Pavlenko.

Head of the school E.V. Zlobina announced the results of the business game “President Elections”, and this year the “Constellation” President became Stanislav Verzilin.

‘We have learnt a lot during the summer school, and most of all how to devote your life to research! Perhaps many of us will come here as mentors and teach new generations of the “Constellation”. All of us are one big family,’ highlighted Stanislav.

At the end of the ceremony the audience listened to O.Yu. Dmirtiyev who read out loud his own poem.

Many children not only spend their summer in this school but choose their potential major. Thus, a 9th-grade student Yelizaveta Bessarab thinks about her university studies. She would like to teach mathematics but is interested in philology, linguistics, and journalism, too.

Another school member Nikita Kozlov was a part of the Young Historians group. He was really inspired by lectures of the university professors. However, he has not made his choice between social and economic or physical and mathematical fields.