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SSU is among top universities of BRICS countries

19 June, 2014 - 10:32

SSU is among top universities of BRICS countries

Альфия Гадельшина

Saratov State University is the only higher education institution of our region included in the list of the best universities in the BRICS countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa).

According to British international consulting agency Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) Saratov State University is number 121-130 among 200 best universities in the BRICS countries and number 26 among Russian universities. Top-200 lists 53 Russian higher education institutions with Lomonosov Moscow State University holding the third place.

For Saratov State University being included in BRICS countries university ranking is the first step towards QS World University Rankings.

In “Students/Faculty ratio” SSU holds the second place in the ranking that shows the high quality of education. The university is at the Top-100 in number of international students.

SSU shows the same results as Saint Petersburg Electrotechnical University, Mendeleyev University of Chemical Technology of Russia, Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas, Beijing University of Chemical Technology, China University of Political Science and Law, Shanghai Normal University, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Xidian University. This means Saratov State University enjoys universal recognition.

QS World University Rankings use best methods that combine statistic analysis of university work, audited statements, and global opinion poll of international academics and employers.

Deputy Minister for Education and Science A.A. Klimov said that Russia has started implementing some actions to increase university integration into global educational space. “We could already see the first results: many universities optimize their structure, support young researchers, learn self-evaluation based on real reports and not just to check the box. More and more Russian universities get included in international ratings that proves we are moving in the right direction”, he said.

At videoconference on “QS World University Rankings: BRICS” on 17 June at the international multimedia press center “Russia Today”, QS regional director for Eastern Europe and Asia Z.O. Zaitseva mentioned that new participants appear in the ranking, SSU among them. “I am proud that universities and government work together to reach global educational standards. Five or six years ago getting included at an international ranking was ‘mission impossible’ for many universities; today they appear there quite frequently and move towards the top”, said she.

Rector of Lomonosov Moscow State University Prof. V.A. Sadovnichi thanked QS for their work. He said it is not productive to use one education quality evaluation model when speaking about a large university; it is possible only using multiple criteria and parameters.

Russian President V.V. Putin also spoke about best university rankings and Russian participation in them. He considers global integration of higher education institutions a priority task.

QS University is an open system working with Russian Ministry of Education and Science. The system involves international experts who are interested in attracting qualified Russian specialists.

QS World University Rankings: BRICS compares 200 top universities of Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa. Russian universities have shown a positive dynamic and considerable progress in some key areas. Among other large BRICS research institutions Russian universities have low students/faculty ratio that show their selective character and means students get close attention during their studies. In this criteria Russia could get 17 places out of 20 including the first 12.

Participation in QS ranking is not compulsory for Russian universities. QS agency expertise is one of the most professional and objective. Saratov State University is proud to be included in the number of best universities of BRICS countries.