
1961 года рождения.
Академик РАЕ с 2006 года.
Член Диссертационных советов по защите кандидатских и докторских диссертаций Воронежского государственного университета и Саратовского государственного университета им. Н.Г.Чернышевского.
Научный консультант журнала «Промышленность Поволжья» (издается Правительством Саратовской области)
Научное направление: Пятичленные 2-карбонилсодержащие S,O,N-гетероциклы. Получение, избирательная реакционная способность, направленный синтез сложных гетероорганических соединений с фармакофорными фрагментами.
- А. V. Anis’kova and A. Yu. Egorovaa Synthesis of Substituted Pyridazin-3-ones, 1,2-Oxazin-3-ones, and Furopyrimidines from (Arylmethylidene)furan-2(3H)-ones // Russian Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2018, Vol. 54, No. 9, pp. 1389–1394 doi: 10/7868/S0514749218090200
- T. V. Aniskova, E. G. Stulova, and A. Yu. Egorova Synthesis of 6-Aryl-4-[(3-aryl-1H-pyrazol-5-yl)methylidene]- 4,5-dihydropyridazin-3-ols // Russian Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2018, Vol. 54, No. 4, pp. 666–667 doi: 10/1134|S1070428018040280
- Линькова Е.И., Гринев В.С., Егорова А.Ю. Синтез производных пирроло[2.1-b]оксазола(микрообзор) Химия гетероциклических соединений 2018, 54, №11.с.1023-1025
- Mokchonova I.D., Maksimov E.A., Ledenyova I.V., Yegorova A.Yu., Schikhaliev K.S. Reactions of 3H-furan-2-ones and 2H-chomen-2-ones with pyrazole-3(5)-diazonium salts – Heterocyclis Communications 2018, v.24, issue 4,p.183-185 doi.org/10.1515/hc2017-0192
- Aniskova T.V., Kamneva I.E., Egorova A.Y.- The Reactions of Arylmethylidene(ethylidene)furanones with N-Nucleophiles - Letters in Organic Chemistry, 13(10): 699-705
- Grinev V. S., Egorova A. Yu. Reactions of 3-arylmethylene-3H-furan(pyrrol)-2-ones with azomethine ylide: synthesis of substituted azaspirononenes \\Chemistry of Heterocyclic Compounds- 2016-Т. 52, № 10, с.785-787
- Anis’kov, A.; Klochkova, I.; Tumskiy, R.; Yegorova, A. A Diastereoselective Synthesis of Dispiro[oxindole-cyclohexanone]pyrrolidines by 1,3-Dipolar Cycloaddition. Molecules 2017, Vol. 22, P 2134-2146. doi:10.3390/molecules22122134 (Impact Factor: 2.861).
- Osipov, A.K., Anis’kov, A.A. & Yegorova, A.Y. Synthesis and configuration of (arylamino)methylidene-3H-furan-2-ones. Russian Journal of Organic Chemistry. 2017 53, 210. DOI 10.1134/S1070428017020117 (Impact Factor: 0.608)
- Aniskova T., Grinev V., Yegorova A. Synthesis of compounds of the pyrimidine series based on the reactions of 3-arylmethylidenefuran-2(3H)-ones with N,N-binucleophilic reagents // Molecules. 2017. Vol. 22. Iss. 8. 1251; IF = 3.098 http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/molecules22081251. http://www.mdpi.com/1420-3049/22/8/1251
- V.S. Grinev, N.V. Babkina and A.Y. Yegorova. (E)-7-[(4-Nitrophenyl)diazenyl]-3a-(p-tolyl)-2,3,3a,4-tetrahydro-1H-benzo[d]pyrrolo[1,2-a]imidazol-1-one 0.58-dimethyl sulfoxide 0.42-acetonitrile solvate: crystal structure, Hirshfeld analysis and DFT estimation of the energy of intermolecular interactions // Acta Cryst. 2017. E73 (Vol. 73), Part 10. P. 1590-1594.
- Osipov, A.K., Anis'kov, A.A., Grinev, V.S., Yegorova, A.Y. Study of E/Z isomerization of (arylamino)methylidenefuran-2(3H)-ones by1H,13C,15N spectroscopy and DFT calculations in different solvents. Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry Vol 55, Issue 8 P.730–737 DOI: 10.1002/mrc.4583 (Impact Factor: 1.601)
- V. S. Grinev, O. A. Amal’chieva, A. Yu. Egorova Synthesis of 1-Substituted 5-Alkyl(aryl)-1,3-dihydro-2H-pyrrol-2-ones. Azocoupling with Diazonium Salts -Russian Journal of Organic Chemistry- 2016-Vol.52, No. 5, pp. 655–660.
- Ledenyova V. I., Kartavtsev P. A., Shikhaliev Kh. S., Egorova A. Yu. 4-Aryl-3-(methanesulfonyl)pyrazolo[5,1-c][1,2,4]triazines and Their Transformations Russian Journal of Organic Chemistry-2016- Vol.52, No. 9, pp. 1316–1321.
- Kamneva I.E., Verevochkin A. A., Zheleznova M. A., Yegorova A. Y. Reactions of 3-arylmethylene-3H-furan(pyrrol)-2-ones with azomethine ylide: synthesis of substituted azaspirononenes-Heterocyclic Communic.- 2016-Vol.22, Iss. 5, pp. 255–257.
- Aniskova T.V., Kamneva I.E., Egorova A.Y.- The Reactions of Arylmethylidene(ethylidene)furanones with N-Nucleophiles - Letters in Organic Chemistry, 13(10): 699-705
- Grinev V. S., Egorova A. Yu. Reactions of 3-arylmethylene-3H-furan(pyrrol)-2-ones with azomethine ylide: synthesis of substituted azaspirononenes \\ Chemistry of Heterocyclic Compounds- 2016-Т. 52, № 10, с.785-787
- Anis’kov, A.; Klochkova, I.; Tumskiy, R.; Yegorova, A. A Diastereoselective Synthesis of Dispiro[oxindole-cyclohexanone]pyrrolidines by 1,3-Dipolar Cycloaddition. Molecules 2017, Vol. 22, P 2134-2146. doi:10.3390/molecules22122134 (Impact Factor: 2.861).
- Osipov, A.K., Anis’kov, A.A. & Yegorova, A.Y. Synthesis and configuration of (arylamino)methylidene-3H-furan-2-ones. Russian Journal of Organic Chemistry. 2017 53, 210. DOI 10.1134/S1070428017020117 (Impact Factor: 0.608)
- Aniskova T., Grinev V., Yegorova A. Synthesis of compounds of the pyrimidine series based on the reactions of 3-arylmethylidenefuran-2(3H)-ones with N,N-binucleophilic reagents // Molecules. 2017. Vol. 22. Iss. 8. 1251; (Impact Factor: 3.589) (Q1). IF = 3.098 http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/molecules22081251. http://www.mdpi.com/1420-3049/22/8/1251
- V.S. Grinev, N.V. Babkina and A.Y. Yegorova. (E)-7-[(4-Nitrophenyl)diazenyl]-3a-(p-tolyl)-2,3,3a,4-tetrahydro-1H-benzo[d]pyrrolo[1,2-a]imidazol-1-one 0.58-dimethyl sulfoxide 0.42-acetonitrile solvate: crystal structure, Hirshfeld analysis and DFT estimation of the energy of intermolecular interactions // Acta Cryst. 2017. E73 (Vol. 73), Part 10. P. 1590-1594. http://dx.doi.org/10.11
- V. S. Grinev, O. A. Amalchieva, A. Yu. Egorova. Features of reaction of substituted 4-oxobutanoic acids and 3H-furan-2-ones with 1,3-binucleophiles // Russian Journal of Organic Chemistry. 2017. Vol. 53, Iss. 11. P. 1669–1674. IF = 0.655http://dx.doi.org/10.1134/S1070428017110094. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1134/S1070428017110094
- V.S. Grinev, A.K. Osipov and A.Y. Yegorova. (Z)-3-[(3,5-Dichloroanilino)methylidene]-5-(4-methylphenyl)furan-2(3H)-one // IUCrData. 2018. Vol. 3, Part 8. x181224. http://dx.doi.org/10.1107/S2414314618012245. http://iucrdata.iucr.org/x/issues/2018/08/00/vm4038/index.html07/S205698...
- I.D. Mokhonova, E.A. Maksimov, I.V. Ledenyona, A.Y. Yegorova, K.S. Shikhaliev. Reactions of 3H-furan-2-ones and 2H-chromen-2-ones with pyrazole-3(5)-diazonium salts // Heterocyclic Communications. 2018. Vol. 24, Iss. 4. pp. 183-185.-- DOI:10.1515/hc-2017-11-10
- V.S. Grinev, A.K. Osipov and A.Y. Yegorova. (Z)-3-[(3,5-Dichloroanilino)methylidene]-5-(4-methylphenyl)furan-2(3H)-one // IUCrData. 2018. Vol. 3, Part 8. x181224. http://dx.doi.org/10.1107/S2414314618012245.http://iucrdata.iucr.org/x/issues/2018/08/00/vm4038/index.html07/S2056989017013937http://journals.iucr.org/e/issues/2017/10/00/yk2109/index.html
- Anis’kova T.V., Stulova E.G., Egorova A.Y. SYNTHESIS OF 6-ARYL-4-[(3- ARYL -3H-PYRAZOL-5-IL)METHYLIDENE]- 4,5- DIHYDROPYRIDAZIN-3-OLS // Russian Journal of Organic Chemistry. 2018. Т. 54. № 4. С. 666-667.DOI: 10.1134/S1070428018040280 IF = 0.678
- Anis’kova T.V., Egorova A.Y. Synthesis of Substituted Pyridazin-3-ones, 1,2-Oxazin-3-ones, and Furopyrimidines from (Arylmethylidene)furan-2(3H)-ones // Russian Journal of Organic Chemistry. 2018. Т.54. №9. С.1389-1394.DOI: 10.1134/S1070428018090208 IF = 0.678
- E.Linkova, V.Grinev, A.Yegorova SYNTHESIS OF PYRROLO[2,1-b]OXAZOLE DERIVATIVES (MICROREVIEW) Chemistry of Heterocyclic Compounds 2018, 54, №11.p.1023-1025 https://doi.org/10.1007/s10593-018-2385-9 IF=1.519
- Mokchonova I.D., Maksimov E.A., Ledenyova I.V., Yegorova A.Yu., Schikhaliev K.S. Reactions of 3H-furan-2-ones and 2H-chomen-2-ones with pyrazole-3(5)-diazonium salts – Heterocyclis Communications 2018, v.24, issue 4,p.183-185 doi.org/10.1515/hc2017-0192 IF= 1.057
- V.Grinev, E.Linkova, E.Krivoshchekova, A.Yegorova A new 4-oxo-4-phenylbutanoic acid polymorph/ Proceedings-2018-2-p.1119-1122/Doi:10.3390/IECC_2018-05254
- I. E. Kamneva, A. Yu. Egorova Arylmethylidenefuranones: Reactions with C- and N-NucleophilesISSN 2079-9780, Review Journal of Chemistry, 2018, Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 183–196. © Pleiades Publishing, Ltd.
- V. S. Grinev, A. Yu. Egorova Photodissociation of Arylbenzopyrroloimidazolones under Laser Desorption/Ionization Conditions /Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A volume 93, pages2515–2520(2019) DOI: 10.1134/S0044453719120094 IF=0.719
- V. S. Grinev,E. I. Linkov, D. S. VasilchenkoA. Yu. EgorovaCrystal Structure, Packing, and Analysis of Hirshfeld Surfaces of 3a-(p-tolyl)-3,3a-dihydrobenzo[d]pyrrolo[2,1-b]thiazol-1(2H)-one/ Journal of Structural Chemistry October 2019, Volume 60, Issue 10, pp 1688–1692 https://doi.org/10.1134/S0022476619100159 IF=0.745
- E.I. Linkova, V.S. Grinev, O.A. Mayorova, A.Yu. Yegorova.7a-Phenyltetrahydropyrrolo[2,1-b]oxazol-5(6H)-one // IUCrData. 2020.5, x200919; DOI: 10.1107/S2414314620009190.
- O.A. Mayorova, V.S. Grinev, A.Yu. Yegorova.(Z)-5-(4-Bromophenyl)-3-{[(3,5-dichlorophenyl)-amino]methylidene}furan2(3H)-one// IUCrData. 2020. 5, x200937; DOI: 10.1107 / S2414314620009372.
- Grinev, 25.V.S., Linkova, E.I., Krainov, M.N., Dmitriev, M.V., Yegorova, A.Y. Crystal structures, packing features, Hirshfeld surface analyses and DFT calculations of hydrogenbond energy of two homologous 8a-aryl- 2,3,4,7,8,8a-hexahydropyrrolo[1,2-a]pyrimidin- 6(1H)-ones\\Acta Crystallographica Section C: Structural Chemistry, 2020, 76, с. 483- DOI: 10.1107/S2053229620005409. IF = 1.09489
- Grinev, V.S., Egorova, A.Y.Synthesis of pyrrolo[2,1-b]thiazole derivatives (microreview)Chemistry of Heterocyclic Compounds, 2020, 56(2), с. 164-166 DOI: 10.1007/s10593-020-02639-y. IF = 1.519.
- Grinev, V.S., Egorova, A.Y. Electrophilic reactions as methods of modification of pyrrolobenzimidazolones and pyrroloquinazolinones // Chemistry of Heterocyclic Compounds. 2020. Т. 56, № 6. С. 164–166. DOI: 10.1007/s10593-020-02751-z. IF =1.519
- Oksana A. Mayorova, Vyacheslav S. Grinev and Alevtina Yu. Yegorova. Hybrid Hetarylhydrazones and Enamines of Furan-2(3H)-ones as a Framework for the Synthesis of Poly-N-heterocycles // Arabian Journal of Chemistry 2021, Vol. 14, Iss. 2, 102950; DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.arabjc.2020.102950 (IF = 4.762, Scopus Q1)
- Патент РФ № 2471786 от 10.01.2013 г. опубликовано Б.И. №1 10.01.2013 (противоопухолевую активность)
- Патент 2468580 10.12.2012 г. (препараты сельскохозяйственного назначения) опубл.Б.И.№34 от 10.12.2012г.
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Действующие докторанты и аспиранты:
Гринев Вячеслав Сергеевич (докторант), выпуск – 2019 г.
Линькова Елена Ивановна, выпуск – 2020 г.
Максимов Евгений Александрович (соискатель)
Веревочкин Александр Александрович (соискатель)