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National Research University Development Program

 SSU National Research University Development Program (Order № 718 of Ministry of Science and Education, June 28, 2010).


Events of SSU National Research University Development Program


About the university

Founded in 1909, Saratov State University is one of the oldest  and leading educational institutions of the country.

SSU has significant research and innovation potential  and plays an important role in socio-economic and cultural development of the region. (It is one of the developers and operators of Saratov Region high-tech development program).  The university is part of  international educational and research environment as  it cooperates with 56 European, Asian and American universities.


The University encompasses 13 faculties, 5 educational institutes and 3 colleges. They embrace 175 departments, including 10 corporate chairs. SSU has a campus in Balashov, Saratov Region that encompasses 9 faculties.

Saratov State University enrolls 29,820 undergraduate and graduate students. 2,390 professors and researchers work in the university, among them 1,000 have a PhD (Candidate of Science) and 304 have terminal degrees (Doctor of Science) in their field of science. The University employs 13 Honourary Science Workers, 2 corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 10 laureates of state and international prizes.

SSU offers 83 higher professional education programs, 23 vocational secondary education programs, 56 graduate and 10 postgraduate programs, 28 major areas for Bachelor and Master students, 45 continuing education programs and 40 training programs.


SSU mission


Saratov State University has the following mission:

To increase national security, develop human potential, preserve Russian spiritual and cultural values by developing students’ professional, social and cultural skills.

To fulfill its mission SSU has determined the following program goal: to create a modern university that matches educational, research and innovation criteria of leading foreign universities and can make a significant contribution to the development of Russian economy and social life.

SSU program aims to achieve tasks of national importance:

  • Introducing innovations to high-tech sectors of Russian economy and social life and training top-ranked professionals;
  • Offering  innovative medical technologies, diagnostic and treatment methods to national Health Care institutions;
  • Determining socio-economical, financial, political, ecological and cultural risks and developing methods of their minimization.

Saratov State University is among the leaders in priority research areas. SSU professors publish their works in Russian and international journals with high ratings, win prestigious grants and awards.

University faculty members have high science citation index. According to Reuters rating of Russian universities scientific achievements, Saratov Sate University is ranked the 11th by the number of publications (,3844) and is among top 10 universities by total number of publications (5,319) and h-index (35).

According to SCImago rating of the most productive educational institutions in Russia based on  Scopus system, SSU was №10 in 2009.


Effectiveness of SSU National Research University Development Program


National Research University Development Program ensures that SSU matches educational, research and innovation criteria of leading foreign universities and holds leading positions in all priority research areas.

Concentrating on the above mentioned research areas helps to strengthen the existing research schools and create new ones. As a National Research University, SSU cooperates with 92 regional and state institutions including Russian Academy of Sciences.

SSU Development Program promotes socio-economic and cultural development of the region. The university ensures the development of high-tech sectors of economy and social life.

The program has a positive effect on the educational system and research institutions of the Saratov region as it protrainsvides highly-qualified personnel and integrates them into fundamental and applied research projects. All this increases Saratov Region investment prospects, stimulates high-tech industry development, and balances market needs and educational services. Trough interdisciplinary approach, SSU Development Program ohelps to train specialists with advanced research and innovative skills.

This in turn develops competitive advantages of the Saratov Region innovation industry and accelerates innovative processes in high-tech sectors of economy.

SSU-based small enterprises also make a positive impact. They work mainly in spheres of IT, biomedicine, biotechnology, engineering and development of new materials.

The synergetic effect of manyfold university work adds up to innovation revenue of the Saratov Region.