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Division of nonlinear system physics

Division of nonlinear system physics

Phone number: 
+7 (8452) 51 - 44 - 12
+7 (8452) 52 - 38 - 64

Division management

Short description: 

Среди основных целей деятельности Отделения физики нелинейных систем можно указать следующие. Во-первых, это комплексное развитие научных исследований и активное содействие в развитии образовательных программ в области радиофизики и физики нелинейных систем, соответствующих приоритетным направлениям развития науки, технологий и техники РФ в части создания новых физических принципов работы, методов исследований и разработки устройств для информационно-телекоммуникационных систем, приборов сверхвысокочастотной электроники, методов диагностики и анализа живых систем, создание методов исследования сложных социальных систем методами нелинейной динамики, и направленных на решение практических задач Саратовского региона. Во-вторых, содействие интегрированию региональной промышленности и социальной сферы в международное пространство за счет использования современных методов исследований и технологий для обеспечения конкурентоспособности выпускаемой продукции и успешного развития социальной сферы.

Отделение физики нелинейных систем Научно-исследовательского института Естественных наук Саратовского государственного университета имени Н.Г.Чернышевского

В настоящее время Отделение физики нелинейных систем (ОФНС) является структурным подразделением Саратовского государственного университета (СГУ) и входит в состав Научно-исследовательского института Естественных наук, созданного приказом ректора Университета от 30 декабря 2004 г. № 625-В, в соответствии с решением Ученого совета Университета.

Production and Services

Creation of thin-film absorbing coatings with electromagnetic radiation power absorption of 10-15dB within 2-100 GHz..


Development of an automated scientific research stand for carrying out experimental research of different types of chaotic synchronization.

Development of prototypes of ultra-wideband microwave generators – low-voltage vircators, as well as completing design technology paperwork.


Assistance in executing patents for utility models, inventions, ECM programs. 


Search of possible applications of chaotic synchronization theory: application to living systems analysis (primarily neurophysiological systems) and information and telecommunication systems based on chaotic synchronization phenomenon.


Research of application  efficiency of ring circuits with nonlinear devices on magnetostatic waves  in order to create high-efficiency tunable chaos generators with high factor of active element power conversion  to chaotic signal power.


The noise is generated with band width up to 80 MHz within frequency range up to 6 GHz.



Internal source of analog modulation  (forms signals of frequency modulation,  amplitude modulation, impulse modulation and phase modulation and low frequencies output). Types of possible digital modulation include: PSK, BPSK, QPSK, OQPSK, π/4DQPSK, 8PSK, 16PSK, D8PSK, QAM: 4, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, FSK: options: 2, 4, 8, 16; МSK; ASK.


Research of the statistical characteristics of signals (calculation of density of probability distribution of instantaneous signal amplitude).


Storing digitized time realizations of processed signals as data tables for further possible ECM processing.


Measurement of basic characteristics of coefficient passive devices of gain and reflection and full measurement of S-parameters within 300 KHz – 3 GHz. 
ENA-L series circuit analyzers provide vector analysis of basic circuit characteristics in different fields, such as radiocommunications, cable TV, automotive industry, education, etc.  Developed to shorten the time of adjustment
and measurement, these analyzers  are capable of extra operation speed that increases performance of measurements. ENA-L series analyzers have a full set of vital characteristics and properties necessary for scientific research, development, production and testing of such devices as filters, amplifiers, antennas, cables, cable TV devices and distribution amplifiers.


Dual-channel power meter Agilent Technologies N1912A P-series power meters with power sensors  P-series wideband power sensors  N1922A и E9300B Agilent Technologies provide a full set of power measurements within the frequency range up to 40 GHz (depending on the type of a sensor) that meet the requirements of many research, development and production objectives. The measurement software (N1918A Agilent Technologies)  implemented on PC extends the capabilities of impulse analysis and statistical characteristics and makes the device performance almost equal to that of traditional impulse power analyzers.


Measurement of amplitude-time characteristics of signals with band width up to 10 GHz and digitization frequency up to 40 GHz. Conduction of analog-to-digital conversion of time realizations of signals within super high frequencies without  converting them to low frequencies.


Search of signal features and artefacts based on its time realization and their further analysis (measurement of duration, amplitude, etc.).


Capability of regulating the number of sweep points. The measurement error of frequency is ±101 Hz, of span setting ± 0,5%, of level ± 0,4 dB. Level measurement range from -156 dBm to +30 dBm. Bandwidth from 10 Hz (1 GHz) to 5 MHz. Sweep duration from 1 ms to 4000 s (given zero span from 50 ns to 4000 s).