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Саратовский государственный университет им. Н.Г. Чернышевского, 1960 г., радиоэлектроника
Thesis and academic degrees: 
PhD in Physics and Mathematics (01.04.03. Радиофизика), 1965 г.
Terminal degree in Physics and Mathematics (01.04.03. Радиофизика), 1978 г.
Общий стаж: 
64 года
Стаж по специальности: 
64 года
Other Administrative Positions: 

In 1960, D.I. Trubetskov graduated Faculty of Physics, Saratov University and entered graduate studies under supervision of Prof. V.N. Shevchik. He completed his PhD degree in 1965, got a Doctoral degree in 1978 and became a Professor in 1980. Since 1981, he has been the Chair of the Department of Electronics. In 1991, he became a corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Science.

In 1994-2003, Trubetskov, Dmitry Ivanovich was the Rector of Saratov State University.

He initiated the development of a new scientific discipline of Nonlinear Dynamics. It resulted in foundation of Faculty of Nonlinear Processes, the only one in Russia, in 1994. Faculty staff developed an educational standard of new specialty “Physics of Open Nonlinear Systems”. He also contributed to foundation of Science and Education Institute “Open Systems” that includes Lyceum of Applied Sciences, Faculty of Nonlinear Processes, Science and Research Institution of Natural Sciences, and Publication House. D.I. Trubetskov is a deputy chief editor of All-Russia Journal “Izvestia of Higher Education Institutions. Applied Nonlinear Dynamics”. He is a member of editorial board of “Izvestia of Higher Education Institutions. Radiophysics”. Lyceum of Applied Sciences plays a special role in his life; Prof. Trubetskov was its founder and now teaches there.

Prof. Trubetskov supervised 32 PhD dissertations, 6 of his students got Doctoral degrees. His scientific work is recognized as one of the strongest scientific schools of Russia. For developing a system of natural science education for Humanities students, he received in Presidential Scholarship in Education in 2000.

D.I. Trubetskov was one of the organizers of winter school on SHF Electronics, schools “Chaotic Auto-Oscillations and Structure Formation”, conferences of SHF Electronics, schools “Nonlinear Days for Young People in Saratov”, working groups “Nonlinear Dynamics in Humanities and Social Sciences”.

D.I. Trubetskov is an Honored Worker of Science, four times Soros Professor. He is a member of Russian Academy of Natural Sciences and International Academy of Higher School, a member of IEEE (USA).

He is an honored citizen of Saratov.

Преподаваемые дисциплины: 
Введение в специальность
Физика сплошных сред
Современные проблемы междисциплинарной науки
Современные проблемы радиофизики
Руководство магистерской программой
Main Publications: 

D.I. Trubetskov’s main areas of research are SHF Electronics, Nonlinear Dynamics, History of Science and Synergetics Teaching. Together with his students he developed nonlinear and non-stationary theory of M-type radial devices. The main achievement is developing theory and experimenting with distributed self-oscillation systems electric stream – electromagnetic wave and discovering complex dynamics in those systems including dynamic chaos. The work done with Prof. S.P. Kuznetsov, Prof. B.P. Bezruchko and others contributed to many works in Russia and abroad thus forming a new approach to SHF electronics.

D.I. Trubetskov is the author of many publications including 20 monographs and textbooks. The most famous of them is “Introduction to Oscillation and Wave Theory” (with M.I. Rabinovich); it is translated into English.

Additional information: 

Taught disciplines:

  • Physics of Wave Processes
  • Modern Problems of Radiophysics
  • Modern Problems of Oscillation and Wave Theory
  • Introduction to Specialty
  • History and Methodology of Science